The sansad bhavan of Delhi India is one the famous tourist destination of Delhi. This sansad bhavan popularly known as parliament house where policies related to welfare of India are formulated. This architecture of parliament house building quite unique and interesting.
TutorialsSansad Bhavan in Delhi India
The Sansad Bhavan building is one of the most essential buildings in not only the city of Delhi but also for all of India. This building is better known as the Parliament House. This is the place where the Parliament of India will meet for general functions.
The Sansad Bhavan building is located in the northwest section of Vijay Chowk in Delhi. It is only two and a half kilometers away from Connaught Place and about eight kilometers from the India Gate.ADS_TO_REPLACE_1
It was built in 1921 and featured a design engineered by Sir Edwin Lutyens. The building was first used for governmental functions in 1927.
The building is easily noticeable by its large circular shape. This building, which is around 36 m in height, features a massive circular design. This design features a series of granite pillars that are used to support the outside roof. There are more than 250 of these pillars situated around the Sansad Bhavan New Delhi. The diameter of the building is also very large. It is around 170 m in diameter.
The building was originally used as a home to the Council of State and other important British governing bodies during the time of British Rule in the country. The functions in the Sansad Bhavan would eventually change when India became an independent nation. The independent nature of the country and its democratic proceedings make the Sansad Bhavan all the more important because all of the events that occur here can influence the ways how the country will be run in the future.ADS_TO_REPLACE_2
Today the Sansad Bhavan is home to three separate sections. These areas all work under a bicameral democracy. The first section is the Central Hall. This is the spot where the office of the President is located.
The second area in the Sansad Bhavan is the Lok Sabha. This is also known as the House of the People. This works as a body where representatives from all parts of India will vote on laws. These people are chosen by residents in India who are eighteen years of age or older regardless of their class, gender or race. More than five hundred members of the Lok Sabha can meet in this area.
The third area is the Rajya Sabha or Council of States. This is the part of the government where the members are voted upon by legislative assembly members. Twelve of these members are nominated for service by the President. There are nearly 250 members in this part of the government.ADS_TO_REPLACE_3
There are many other important functions that the Sansad Bhavan will work with. It works with a ministerial office for worship or religious needs that many members of the government may have. A library is also included.
Individual rooms for committees are also featured here. These rooms are where individual members who are assigned to different committees can meet and discuss plans and other issues.
People who do want to visit the Sansad Bhavan when in Delhi will have to plan their visits in advance. The Sansad Bhavan is not open to people when the government is in session. Some proceedings may be viewed at some times during the year though. The exterior of the building is also open at all times for people to visit and marvel at.ADS_TO_REPLACE_4
The Sansad Bhavan building is a valuable place that is home to many important points of governmental interest in Delhi. This building is home to the three most important parts of the Indian government. It is where many decisions will be made throughout the year on all types of laws that will go into effect throughout not only Delhi but through other parts of India.