January 2008 Issue of Java Jazz up magazine

Sun Microsystems has concurred all suggestions complying with the idea, to buy MySQL AB for $1B, just by providing them additional influence in the open source community and providing access to MySQL to its larger corporations.

January 2008 Issue of Java Jazz up magazine

January 2008 Issue of Java Jazz up magazine



  1. Java News
    Sun Microsystems has concurred all suggestions complying with the idea, to buy MySQL AB for $1B, just by providing them additional influence in the open source community and providing access to MySQL to its larger corporations.
  2. Working with Entity bean using JPA API
    An entity defines a table (consisting of rows and columns) in a relational database. An entity refers to a logical collection of data that can be stored or retrieved from that entity.
  3. XML Schema
    XML Schema is a W3C Standard. It is an XML-based alternative to DTDs. It describes the structure of an XML document. The XML Schema language is also referred to as XML Schema Definition (XSD). 
  4. XML- SAX Parser using JAXP API
    In the previous issue of Java Jazz Up you have read about XML technology. In this issue, you will learn how XML technology works with Java using different kinds of XML parsers.

  5. Hibernate Query Language
    Hibernate Query Language or HQL for short is extremely powerful query language. HQL is much like SQL and are case-insensitive, except for the names of the Java Classes and properties.
  6. Web Services - Apache Axis
    Axis stands for Apache's EXtensible Interaction System. Axis is one of the most popular SOAP engine that is used to construct SOAP processor like gateways, clients, servers etc.
  7. Struts2 Tags
    Apache Struts is an open-source framework used to develop Java web applications. In this section, struts 2 form tags (UItags) will be discussed and the rest will be included in the subsequent issues of the magazine. 
  8. JSF Application
    Event Handling is one of the important concepts in JSF. This section provides a simple JSF application, which explains how to implement ?immediate? event handling in JSF.  
  9. Design Pattern
    This design pattern defines one to many dependency between the objects so that if an object changes its state then all the dependent objects are notified and updated automatically.

  10. Tips & Tricks
    This example retrieves data from MySQL and sends response to the web browser in the form of a PDF document using Servlet.