XML- SAX Parser using JAXP API

In the previous issue of Java Jazz Up you have read about XML technology. In this issue, you will learn how XML technology works with Java using different kinds of XML parsers.

XML- SAX Parser using JAXP API

XML- SAX Parser using JAXP API



  1. XML- SAX Parser using JAXP API
    In the previous issue of Java Jazz Up you have read about XML technology. In this issue, you will learn how XML technology works with Java using different kinds of XML parsers. Lets quickly focus on the overview of XML. XML is a W3C Recommendations. It stands for Extensible Markup Language. It is a markup language much like HTML used to describe data. In XML, tags are not predefined.

    A user defines his own tags and XML document structure like Document Type Definition (DTD), XML Schema to describe the data. Hence it is self-
    descriptive too. There is nothing special about XML It is just plain text with the addition of some XML tags enclosed in angle brackets. In a simple text editor, the XML document is easily visible.



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