In this section you will learn about the AWT package of the Java. Many running examples are provided that will help you master AWT package.
Java AWT Package Example
In this section you will learn about the AWT package of the Java. Many running examples are provided that will help you master AWT package. Example provided are supported with tested code.
- Graphical User Interfaces
A class library is provided by the Java programming language which is known as Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT).
- What is AWT in java
In this section, you will learn about the java.awt.*; package available with JDK. AWT stands for Abstract Windowing Toolkit.
- Describe the AWT Components
In this section you will learn about the different components available in the Java AWT package for developing user interface for your program.
AWT Components
The class component is extended by all the AWT components. More of the codes can be put to this class to design lot of AWT components. Following are the AWT components:
Common Component Methods
The common methods of AWT components are as follow: Containers
As discussed earlier a container is a component that can be nested. The most widely used Panel is the Class Panel which can be extended further to partition GUIs.Describe different types of event to provide by the AWT Components in java
There are many types of events that are generated by your AWT Application. These events are used to make the application more effective and efficient. Generally, there are twelve types of event are used in Java AWT.-
In this section, you will learn how to handle events in Java awt. Events are the integral part of the java platform. -
Event Adapters
There are some event listeners that have multiple methods to implement. That is some of the listener interfaces contain more than one method. -
Button Pressing Example
In the program code given below, the Frame contains three buttons named - "Bonjour", "Good Day", "Aurevoir". -
Adapters Example
In the following program code, the adapter class has been used. This class has been used as an anonymous inner class to draw a rectangle within an applet. -
GUI-based Applications
In this section you will learn about how to create a window for your application. You need to define a subclass of Frame to create a window for your application. -
We can also develop an application with a Menu. As a name indicates a Menu consists of Menu objects. - Menu Shortcuts
The MenuItem class also provides a feature of menu shortcuts and speed keys.
Pop-up Menus
A PopupMenu is similar to a Menu as it contains MenuItem objects. The Pop-up Menu can be popped over any component while generating the appropriate mouse event rather than letting it appear at the top of a Frame. - Creating a Frame
This program shows you how to create a frame in java AWT package. The frame in java works like the main window where your components (controls) are added to develop a application. In the Java AWT, top-level windows are represented by the Frame class.
- Setting the Icon for a Frame
Here, you will learn how to set the icon of the frame. This program is the detailed illustration to set the icon to the frame.
- Setting the
close button operation for the frame
In this section, you will learn how to implement the close button of any frame or window in java application. By default the close button of the frame is not in working state.
- Making a Frame Non-Resizable
This program illustrates you how to make a frame non resizable. It means that the disabling the maximize button of the frame.
- Removing the Title Bar of a Frame
Here, you will learn how to display the frame or window without title bar in java. This type of the frame is mostly used to show the splash screen at starting of the application.
- Creating a Container
This program illustrates you how to create a container. Container contains several control or tools for develop your application. All the controls used in your application are the container for one another.
- Changing the Cursor
Here, you will learn how to change the mouse cursor in java. Changing the cursor means showing cursor in many different shapes for the different objects.
- Draw Image in Frame
In this section, you will learn how to display image on the frame. This program shows you how to display image in your application.
- Handling Focus Changes
In this section, you will learn about handling the focus changes in java. This section shows you how the event be handled according to the focuses and to find out whether the component got the focus or lost the focus.
- Handling Mouse Clicks
In this section, you will learn about handling the mouse click event in the awt application.
- Handling Action Events
In this section, you will learn how to handle events in java awt. Here, this is done through the java.awt.*; package of java. Events are the integral part of the java platform.
- Handling Key Presses
In this section, you will learn about the handling key press event in java. Key Press is the event is generated when you press any key to the specific component.
- Item Events
In this section, you will learn about handling item events in java. This demonstrates that the event generated when you select an item from the group of the items.
- How to use
In this section, you will learn how to handle different key events on the Java Awt component by using the event handling in Java. When the given program is executed then you will see the several key events these are applied on the component like the key pressed, key release and so on.
- Simple Form in Java
This is a simple program of java awt package which constructs a look like a form by using various java component. In this section, you will learn how to create it. This is done by using java gui programming using Classes or APIs of java awt package.
- Hiding Frame in Java
This section illustrates you how to hide the Java Awt frame. Here, you have seen in the given following example that provides you the complete code of the program.
- How
to Create Button on Frame
In this section, you will learn how to create Button on frame the topic of Java AWT package. In the section, from the generated output of the following program, complete window or frame is created in the ButtonText class that is the main class where the main() method lies. This part of the topic will show a simple command button labeled with the text "Submit" when the program will be executed.
- How
to create CheckBox On frame
This is very simple java program. In this section, you will learn how to create CheckBox on the frame. In the Java AWT, top-level windows are represented by the CheckBox class. This program provides you complete illustration with the full description. If you are fresher in java awt programming then you can learn in very efficient manner.
- Choice
Option (Combo) In Java
In this section, you will learn how to create Drop-Down List by using Java AWT package.
- Arcs
Drawing In Java
In this section, you will learn how to create arcs diagram in java awt package. The Java program uses Arcs2D class, arcs2D is the abstract superclass for all objects that store a 2D arc defined by a bounding rectangle, start angle, angular extent and a closure type.
- BorderLayout
Example In Java
In this section, you will learn how to create BorderLayout in java awt package. The Border Layout is arranging and resizing components to set in five position which is used in this program.
- Cubic
Diagram In Java
In this section, you will learn how to create Cubic diagram. The Java2D API provides you several classes that defines common Geometry object as a coordinate component. The Java Drawing program depends on the Java2D API class, and this class is support by the "java.awt.geom" package.
- How
to Create Circle In Java
This is a simple program of java awt. In this section, you will learn how to create Circle Diagram. The java circle is the most fundamental abstractions in a Java 2D in the supported java.awt.shape package.
- How
to Create CurveDraw In Java
In this section, you will learn how to create CurveDraw in java.awt package. This class, supported by the java.awt.geom package, enables you to create a quadratic or cubic segment. Here, you will see in the following example that provide you complete code of the program.
- How
to Create LineDraw In Java
This is a simple java program . In this section, you will learn how to create Line Drawing. This program implements a line Drawing component. A java program explains the stroke line i.e. how to make thick and thin line. For this we have usedBasicStroke
class. This object is passed to the setStroke() method.
- RadioButton
In Java
In this section, you will learn how to create Radio Button on the frame. The java AWT , top-level window, are represent by the CheckBoxGroup. A java program provides you CheckboxGroup. In this program, you will see how to create and show the Checkboxgroup component on the frame.
- Rectangle
Image In Java
In this section, you will learn how to create rectangle image. This program used the Graphics2D class which extends the Graphic class and control all geometry or coordinate transformation and color management, text layout. The Java programming in java 2D API provides several classes.
- Textarea
Frame In Java
In this section, you will learn how to create TextArea on the frame. This program uses the TextArea class of java.awt package. Here, we are going to create TextArea object. TextArea object is a multiline region. It displays text only. You can read and edit the text only.
- Image Demo
This section simply display the image demo that means multiple images and its name are based on the frame to a particular location. For displaying images demo first of all you will need multiple images that have to be displayed on the frame.
- Image Size
This Java awt (Abstract Windowing Toolkit) tutorial describes about the image size. This is an actual representation of object. Simply, it helps us to feel associated with an object on the frame.
- Paint Icon
This section provides you to paint an image on the frame. Paint means draw an image and set its on the frame to the specified location according to its x coordinate and y coordinate.
- RanderingHints
This Java tutorial teaches you about adding the rendering hints to a graphics on the frame. The rendering hints uses the Graphics2D and creates the following image.
Line Animation
In this example we are creating an animated line. The color of line is changing alternatively.
Beep Example
Lets learn how to create beep using java.
Open The Default Editor to Edit the File
This section, you will see the method of opening the file in the default editor to edit and save the file. Here an example has been provided with the complete Java code for illustrating all the things that helps to open the file in the default editor to edit the file.