AWT Components

The class component is extended by all the AWT components. More of the codes can be put to this class to design lot of AWT components. Most of the AWT components shown below directly extend Component like Button, Canvas, Label etc.

AWT Components

The class component is extended by all the AWT components. More of the codes can be put to this class to design lot of AWT components. Most of the AWT components shown below directly extend Component like Button, Canvas, Label etc.

 AWT Components

AWT Components


The class component is extended by all the AWT components. More of the codes can be put to this class to design lot of AWT components. Most of the AWT components shown below directly extend Component like Button, Canvas, Label etc. 


As shown in the example below, a button is represented by a single label. That is the label shown in the example can be pushed with a click of a mouse.



import java.awt.*; 
import java.applet.Applet; 
public class MyButton extends Applet 
  public void init() { 
  Button button = new Button("SUBMIT")

Here is the HTML code:


Here is the Output:


C:\newprgrm>appletviewer MyButton.html



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