This section describes about AWT interfaces, classes and exceptions.
What is AWT in java
In this section, you will learn about the java.awt.*; package available with JDK. AWT stands for Abstract Windowing Toolkit. It contains all classes to write the program that interface between the user and different windowing toolkits. You can use the AWT package to develop user interface objects like buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons and menus etc. This package provides following interfaces and classes as follows:
Interfaces and Descriptions of AWT Package: | |
ActionEvent | This interface is used for handling events. |
Adjustable | This interface takes numeric value to adjust within the bounded range. |
Composite | This interface defines methods to draw a graphical area. It combines a shape, text, or image etc. |
CompositeContext | This interface allows the existence of several context simultaneously for a single composite object. It handles the state of the operations. |
ItemSelectable | This interface is used for maintaining zero or more selection for items from the item list. |
KeyEventDispatcher | The KeyEventDispatcher implements the current KeyboardFocusManager and it receives KeyEvents before despatching their targets. |
KeyEventPostProcessor | This interface also implements the current KeyboardFocusManager. The KeyboardFocusManager receives the KeyEvents after that dispatching their targets. |
LayoutManager | It defines the interface class and it has layout containers. |
LayoutManager2 | This is the interface extends from the LayoutManager and is subinterface of that. |
MenuContainer | This interface has all menu containers. |
Paint | This interface is used to color pattern. It used for the Graphics2D operations. |
PaintContext | This interface also used the color pattern. It provides an important color for the Graphics2D operation and uses the ColorModel. |
PaintGraphics | This interface provides print a graphics context for a page. |
Shape | This interface used for represent the geometric shapes. |
Stroke | This interface allows the Graphics2D object and contains the shapes to outline or stylistic representation of outline. |
Transparency | This interface defines the transparency mode for implementing classes. |
Classes and Descriptions of AWT Package: | |
AlphaComposite | This class implements the basic alpha compositing rules. It combines the source and destination pixels to achieve transparency effects to graphics and images. |
AWTEvent | This is a supper class of all AWT Events. |
AWTEventMulticaster | This class implements thread-safe multi-cast event and it is despatching for the AWT event. The AWT events defined in the java.awt.event package. |
AWTKeyStroke | This class used to key action on the keyboard or equivalent input devices. |
AWTPermission | This class uses for the AWT permissions. |
BasicStroke | This class defines the basic set of rendering attributes for using outlines of graphics. |
BorderLayout | This class uses to arranging the components. It has five components such as: east, west, north, south and the center. |
BufferCapabilities | This class has properties of buffers. |
BufferCapabilities.FlipContents | This class has a type-safe enumeration of buffer. It contains after page-flipping. |
Button | This class used to create a label button |
Convas | It represents the blank rectanglular area on screen. It can draw or trap input events from the user. |
CardLayout | It is a layout manager for a comtainer. |
Chaeckbox | It is a graphical component. It has two states. True state that means "on" or false sate that means "off". |
CheckboxGroup | This class to be used together multiple checkbox buttons. |
CheckboxMenuItem | This class represents the checkbox and also include the menu. |
Choice | This class represents pop-up menu to user's choice. |
Color | This class has colors. The default color is RGB color. Color library specify the all color, it identified by ColorSpace. |
Component | This is a graphical representation to interacted by user. It displays on the screen. |
ComponentOritentation | This class encapsulates the language-sensitive orientation. It also used the order the element of component or text.. |
Container | A generic AWT container object has other AWT components. |
ContainerOrderFocusTraversalPolicy | It determines the traversal order based on the order of child components in a container. |
Cursor | This class represents the bitmap representation of the mouse cursor. |
DefultFocusTraversalPolicy | This class determines the traversal order on the order of child components of container. |
DefultKeyboardFocusManager | This class used for handle the AWT applecations. |
Dialog | This is a top label window. It has title and border. It can be used for taking a some input of users. |
Dimension | This class describe the height and width of a component in a single object. |
DisplayMode | This class encapsulates the bit depth, height, width and refresh rate of a GraphicsDevice. |
Event | This class available only for the backwards compatilibility. |
EventQueue | It is a platform independent class. It has both classes underlying peer class and trusted application class. |
FileDialog | This class displays dialog window. Here user can be select the file. |
FlowLayout | This class arrange the components and flow the left to right. It uses to write lines in a paragraph. |
FocusTraversalPolicy | This class defines the order in which components traverse particular focus cycle root. |
Font | This class defines fonts and it uses render text that is visible. |
FontMetrics | This class defines font matrix object.. It encapsulate the information and rendering the paritcular fonts. |
Frame | This class defines top-level window and it designs the any area of border. |
GradientPaint | With the help of GradientPaint you fill any shapes. |
Graphics | This class uses to drawing all types of graphics such as: oval, rectangle etc. |
Graphics2D | This class controls all geometry, coordinate transformation, color management etc. It extends form the Graphics class. |
GraphicsConfigTemplate | This class contains a valid GraphicConfiguration. |
GraphicsConfiguration | This class describes the characteristics of graphics destination such as printer and monitor. |
GraphicsDevice | This class describes the graphics devices and it available particular graphics environment. |
GraphicsEnvironment | This class is a collection of GraphicsDevices object and Font objects. The GraphicsDevices objects are screen, images and printers etc. |
GridBagConstraints | This class specify the constraint for components by using the GrideBagLayout class. |
GridBagLayout | This class uses the layout manager and uses the vertically and horizontally components. |
GridLayout | This class is a layout manager. It has rectangular grid components. |
Image | This class is a supper class of all graphical images. |
ImageCompabilities | It has compabilities and properties of images. |
Insets | This class represents all types of border's container. It includes borders, blank space and titles. |
JobAttributes | This class control the print job. |
JonAttributes.DefaultSelectionType | It has default selection states and extends from the java.awt.AttributeValue package. |
JobAttributes.DestinatinType | It possible for the job destinations and extends form the java.awt.AttributeValue package. |
JobAttributes.DialogType | It displays the user dialog and extends from the java.awt.AttributeValue package. |
JobAttributes.MultipleDocumentHandlingType | This class handles the multiple copy states and extends form the java.awt.AttributeValue package. |
JobAttributes.SidesType | It uses multi-page impositions and extends from the java.awt.AttributeValue package. |
KeyboardFocusManager | This class manage the current focus owner, active and focused windows |
Label | It is a component which contains the text in container. |
List | This component uses by the uses and it choose the list of item. |
MediaTracker | This class has status of a number of media objects. It is a utility class. |
Menu | It has pull-down menu components that displayed as like menu bar. |
MenuBar | This class has the concept of menu bar and it also bounded into a frame. |
MenuComponent | This is supper class of all menu related components. |
MenuItem | This is a supper class and it represents the item of menu. |
MenuShortcut | This class represents the handling MenuItem through help of keyboard . |
PageAttributes | It controls the output of the printed page. |
PageAttributes.ColorType | It handles the color states and extends form the java.awt.AttributeValue package. |
PageAttributes.MediaType | It handles the paper size and extends from the java.awt.AttributeValue package. |
PageAttributes.OrientationRequestedType | It handles the possible orientations and extends from the java.awt.AttributeValue package. |
PageAttributes.OriginType | It handles the origins and extends from the java.awt.AttributeValue package. |
PageAttributes.PrintQualityType | It handles the print qualities and extends from the java.awt.AttributeValue package. |
Panel | This is a simplest container class. It includes components and other panels. It extends Container and implements to Accessible. |
Point | The point represents the location of coordinate (x, y) space. It extends Point2D. |
Polygon | It has two dimensional region and it bounded by the multiple number of lines. |
PopupMenu | It extends the Menu and specify the positions of components. |
PrintJob | This class executes a print job and extends from the Object. |
Rectangle | A rectangle object has length and width and it also specify an area in a coordinate space. It extends Rectangle2D. |
RenderingHints | This class contains rendering hints by using the Graphics2D class. |
RenderingHints.Key | This class used to control the randering and imaging pipelines. |
Robot | This class used to generate the native system input events and it automatically test the java platform implementations. |
Scrollbar | This class provide the user interface components and also include the scroll bar. Which implements the Adjustable interface. |
ScrollPane | It includes the horizontal and vertical scrolling for a single child components. The horizontal and vertical state represented by the ScrollPaneAdjustable objects. |
ScrollPaneAdjustable | This class represents the state of horizontal and vertical scrollbar of ScrollPane. |
SystemColor | This class represents the system's color through the symbolic representation color. The value depends on the actual value of RGB. |
TextArea | It displays multi line text. |
TextComponent | This is a supper class of any component. It allows to editing the some text. |
TextField | It has text component and It allows to editing a single line of text. |
TexturePaint | It provides a way to fill a shape with a texture and specify by the BufferedImage. |
Toolkit | This is a supper class of all Abstract Windowing Toolkit. |
Window | It is a top-level window. It has not borders and menubar. It capable for generating the window events like: WindowOpend, WindowClosed. |
Exceptions and Descriptions of AWT Package: | |
AWTException | This signal displays when an Abstract Windowing Toolkit exception has occurred. |
FontFormatException | When the specified font is bad then this exception to be occurred. It thrown by the createFont method in the Font class. |
HeadlessException | This exception to be occurs when the codes are not supported by the keyboard, display and Mouse. |
IllegalComponentStateException | The AWT has not suitable state for the requesting operation then it thrown by the IllegalComponentStateException. |
AWTError | It thrown when the Abstract Windowing Toolkit error has occurred. |