How to make a furniture.
This example is related to a furniture effect, we are going to learn here how to make a furniture design, You have an opportunity to learn about this effect. If you pay attention for some time, you can do that.
New File: Take a new file according to requirement.
Color: To fill color select Paint Bucket tool (G key) and Choose "C88E4B" color then click on the file.
You will get it.
New Layer: Now take a new layer and draw some lines by the brush tool (B key) as I have done here.
Gaussian Blur: Go to Filter Menu > Blur > Gaussian Blur and adjust till this image.
Add Noise: Go to Layer Menu > Noise > Add Noise and adjust the setting as given below.
Motion Blur: Go to Filter Menu > Blur > Apply Motion Blur and use settings as here.
Diffuse Glow: Go to Filter Menu > Distort > Diffuse Glow and make setting.
Shear: Go to Filter Menu > Distort > Shear and make adjustment.
ZigZag: Go to Filter Menu > Distort > ZigZag and make setting.