Designing a good website as to come up with all round appreciation, traffic flow and business conversion is really what determines the success of your web presence. Good website design tips reflect on the art of mastering the traffic input to convert into better business output using the web platform. There are multiple facets of importance like page speed to navigation to advertisements to content structure to device friendliness and all of these factors addressed properly accumulatively delivers the required web output as envisaged by the webmaster. Good website design is a continuous process that needs you to evaluate your site's performance and corresponding attributes from time to time. Here are our picks on top 10 tips for good website design.
- Enhance your page speed
- Make navigation easy and simple
- Give priority to content over design and ads
- Showing the Content in an attractive structure
- Incorporate responsive design to convert visits into business
- Make your site is friendly for multiple platforms and devices
- The design must incorporate elements relating to your audience
- Strong, bold and capturing visual impact
- Use responsive color choice
- Provide contact information on the home page
Nobody likes to hang on for an elongated time when the website or any of its web pages takes hell lot of time to upload. It has been seen in various studies that a great majority of web users get away from the page if it takes more than 2 to 3 seconds of time. So the first good website design tips that remain irreplaceable for any designer or developer is to enhance the page upload speed irrespective of all other constituents.
Even many smartly designed website with otherwise good looking attributes and rich content reserve fail to create impression in the users just because the site does not offer clear cut categories in a concise manner for the users to navigate throughout the site smoothly as per his areas of interest. When navigation is not clear, simple and easy to be directed to, it causes the reader to get frustrated or feel unreasonable to stay on your web page. If you want your users to stay in your page for longer and really make use of your site, simple and easy navigation is a must.
Probably you have designed a website that simply looks sleazy, glamorous and as per your understanding reflects your personality or brand value best. Moreover, the site is looking promising in respect of generating far better revenue through converting the ad clicks. But, on the contrary it may show up as poorly as you might not imagine just because in all these huddling of designs and advertisements the content really went backstage and the site looks more like a web zombie than a respectable website for adding value to your knowledge hunting users. A list of good website design tips should not tell you that content is your priority, it is always already the most important of all.
How you provide the content and how better it displays to augment the reading or viewing experience is all that matters for your users as they reach web pages primarily for content. There are millions of sites that in spite of providing expertise driven content does not really get enough edge in respect traffic flow or overall user's appreciation simply because they provide the content too jumbled up like a bunch of sentences huddled together. Titles, subtitles, use of bold fonts, marked points, use of illustrative images in between and breaking a long text into small paragraphs as per different aspects, can really make your content more readable than a bunch of loose texts or lines. Using a slide show with text and reciprocating image can as well be a good approach for presenting your content, but remember the fun of slide show will be lost if your upload speed really does not conform to that.
Your rich, expert-sounding content can generate great traffic and even can make traffic stay in between your pages longer than your competitor sites, but at the end of the day if the character of your traffic remains non-committed, if even a small percentage of the traffic does not convert into business output, then unquestionably the point of designing a traffic friendly website is lost. As soon as the traffic enters your page your presentation must guide him in a responsive manner to those areas where besides delivering content you pursue your business interest. This alert call to action attribute is a prime consideration for any website designer as long as the site has a rigorous business agenda besides getting consistent traffic flow.
Already half of the internet users globally access the internet through their handheld devices on multiple platforms and as per the sales figure, the use of traditional computing devices like desktops and laptops are fast being replaced by tablets, smart phones and evolving handheld devices. This change in the use of devices transformed our web design beyond retrieval. Today it is almost an imperative that your site must look and feel the same effective and smart on mobile screen, tablet and on desktops or laptops. A site that looks appealing in different devices and across the varying platforms like Windows, Android, Mac and others is sure to generate better volume of traffic and business conversion. So, make sure that your design meets the demand of different devices for both user maneuverability and look.
In providing here some of the most relevant and good website design tips we must call to mind the responsive aspects of communicating the audience. A site dedicated to happy aspects of life such as travel or leisure holiday or adventure sports cannot be as somber and serious in design as a medical website. Similarly a news website just cannot afford to dwell on funny designs comparable to a gaming site. So, incorporating design attribute relating to your target audience is the first and foremost priority from which you cannot deviate.
Websites with full blown, bold and strong image reserves is a delight for the users and can make an impression that let them feel affectionate about you. Visual impact if presented in a stylish and enrapturing manner can really let the audience make a preference even before they judge on the merit of your content, so says the experts. There is one drawback to consider as well, that is to say in providing good variety of reciprocating images with content it can make your page upload speed slower and so you have to do a smarter work to strike a balance to take care of it.
An herbal medicine website really deserves appreciation if its commanding green leafy colors and a bit of old world imageries of medicinal preparations can make the visitor sense the tranquil effect of herbs and nature. Similarly a language learning web tool cannot afford to be too somber in color scheme or too striking. In all respects a designer cannot afford to use too striking color scheme that hurts the eyes and cause visual disturbance.
Internet is the meeting place of global population with multitude of interests and non-animosity of our intensions, interests and identities nowhere maintained as gravely as on the web space. So providing a simple and easily navigating section of contact information can really be hugely assuring as for the background and information for verifying the identity before going into any deal. The contact information provided on the home page is more effective.
Honorable Mention: Always introduce your people and your social face
We cannot conclude our list of top 10 tips for good website design without mentioning this important aspect even though we place this at the end of our list as an honorable mention. Animosity is more preferred over unanimous website attributes, especially as for the visitors to enter transaction of any type over the web. If you maintain a web page or section where you introduce some of your key contributors, experts and specialists and their background it really proves your transparency on one plain and on the other plain it lets the visitor take more confidence in you. You can augment the same confidence by providing social networking links of your personnel or your site to follow up. An established well connected social face of a website is more preferred than those sites with most of the works going under the shadow, in backdrop.