Fleet business depends on real-time GPS fleet management. Now to make it clear what does that mean lets first look what a GPS is?
GPS is the acronym for Global Positioning System. It is the most widely used tracking technology either in the fleet business or in common life. Most of the vehicles are preloaded with this technology. This technology use radio signals emitted by satellites to track a particular vehicle and narrow down the position with the help of signal emitted by the nearby towers. All the vehicles have GPS receiver that receive the signals and display the same information to driver and stores it too.
What does it do?
This is a tracking technology that aids the manger in tracking the location of a moving vehicle and informs him about all the minute details related to it. It guides the driver to choose the most efficient route to its destination and also helps him in avoiding traffic and accidents.
Real-Time GPS:
There are two types of tracking technologies: Active and Passive. The former one shows and store data regularly and in real time so that the person gets updated by the current scenario. It also saves the data regularly. While the latter one stores data that can be seen once it is attached to a system having the tracking software, this doesn?t help much and are not widely used.
GPS fall under the Active technology and give the real time update of the route, vehicle and other details related to vehicle. With the help of satellite and towers it generate a surrounding scenario and present it to the driver and at the same time it also stores all the data related to the route of vehicle, speed of vehicle and fuel usage of vehicle, this can be seen in real time by the owner who is sitting at a distant place.
Real-time GPS Fleet Management:
Managing a fleet completely depends on current data as an outdated data is of no use except for the future reference. Though there are few other tracking technologies available but GPS is the most reliable and most widely used tracking technology that updates the driver with information like traffic, which route to select, shortest way, speed, and most importantly alerts him when there are chances of accidents.
It also aids the manger in keeping a close eye on the fleet and at the same time aids him in maintaining paperwork.