Best fleet management system involves a good coordination between the manager and the fleet. It helps the company in the fleet business to cut down operational cost and increase their benefit.
To make fleet really work and perform to its strength it requires a good manager having good managerial skills to take complete control of every work that goes down. He must maintain a record book of all the work that has been done, that has to be done now and the work that is pending. He must assign daily work to the driver and keep a record of it. Now assignment of work require him to know where exactly the vehicles are and so the nearest vehicle can be sent to an outage. This helps saving time and money both.
A good fleet management involves taking good care of their vehicles on which the whole fleet business depends.
It?s the job of the manger to know the conditions of the vehicles and should check them regularly, whenever they return from a work. It?s critical that manager maintains a record of every vehicle as then only he can decide which vehicle should be sent for servicing and which can be sent for the next work. This work is tedious but tracking technologies can be used for the fullest and can make the work relatively easy. They can keep record of all the vehicles from their number to their condition and alerts the manger to when is the perfect time for the servicing of a particular vehicle.
Tracking technologies and softwares form a critical part of a good management. Tracking technologies like GPS (Global Positioning System) and GLONASS (Global Navigation System) helps the manger to keep the record of work and vehicle, it informs him about the condition of the vehicle. These technologies help him to keep a close eye on every activity and movement of the fleet even when he is sitting on a far off place, this way he can assure that there is no undesirable activity and the fleet is on the right course so that the goods can be delivered on or before time. Hence overall operational cost is cut, as there is no overtime and less fuel usage.
Best fleet management system is the key for the success of any fleet company to thrive and progress in this business.