Here in this section we have listed all the tutorials of Struts 1 framework
Struts 1 Tutorials and many example code to learn Struts 1 in detail.
Struts 1 was the first release of MVC based framework by the Apache Software foundation in May 2000. Now in the year 2013 Struts 1 framework is not active and reached end of life phase. Now you should start learning the Struts 2 framework which is robust can be used to develop modern web applications.
In this section we have listed all the tutorials published on our website related to the Struts 1 framework. If you are still maintaining application based on the Struts 1 framework then these struts 1 tutorials will help you in learning the Struts 1 programming.
Here are the tutorials of Struts 1:
Struts 1
- Struts1 vs Struts2
Struts2 is more powerful framework as compared to struts1. The table given below describes some differences between struts1 and struts2
- Introduction to the Apache Struts
This lesson is an introduction to the Struts and its architecture.
The main aim of the MVC architecture is to separate the business logic and application data from the presentation data to the user.
- Struts
Struts is an open source framework used for developing J2EE web applications using Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern. It uses and extends the Java Servlet API to encourage developers to adopt an MVC architecture.
- How Struts
The basic purpose of the Java Servlets in struts is to handle requests made by the client or by web browsers. In struts JavaServerPages (JSP) are used to design the dynamic web pages. In struts, servlets helps to route request which has been made by the web browsers to the appropriate ServerPage.
- Introduction to the Struts Controller
This lesson is an introduction to Controller part of the Struts Framework.
- Introduction to the Struts Action Class
This lesson is an introduction to Action Class of the Struts Framework.
- Using Struts ActionFrom Class
This shows how to create user interface form using struts ActionFrom class and jsp page.
- Using Struts HTML Tags
Section shows you the different types of Struts HTML Tags available for the development of views in JSP.
- Introduction to Struts Validator Framework
Struts Framework provides the functionality to validate the form data. It can be use to validate the data on the users browser as well as on the server side.
- Client Side Address
Validation in Struts
In this lesson we will create JSP page for entering the address and use the functionality provided by Validator Framework to validate the user data on the browser.
- Custom
Validators Example
In this tutorial you will learn how to develop Custom Validators in your Struts 1.3 applications. Struts Validator framework provides many validation rules that can be used in the web applications. If you application needs special kind of validation, then you can extend the validator framework to develop your own validation rule.
- - Developing Application with Struts Tiles
In this lesson we will create Struts Tiles Applications.
- - Using tiles-defs.xml in Tiles Application
In this lesson you will learn how to define and use the "plugin" definitation in tiles-defs.xml file.
Advance Struts
- - Struts DynaActionForm
In this lesson we will create Struts DynaActionForm.
- - Struts File Upload
In this lesson we will create Struts File Upload program.
- - Struts
file upload and save on server
In this tutorial you will learn how to use Struts program to upload on the Server and display a link to the user to download the uploaded file.
- - Struts Resources
RoseIndia.Net is the ultimate Struts Resources for the web development community using Struts in their development. Struts is ultimate framework for the development of web applications based on MVC framework using JSP/Servlet as base.
Struts Actions Examples
- Struts Built-In Actions
- In this section we will give a quick look to the few of built-in utility actions shipped with Struts APIs. These built-in utility actions provide different functionalities useful to diverse applications.
- - Struts
Dispatch Action Example
Here in this example you will learn more about Struts Dispatch Action that will help you grasping the concept better.
- - Struts
Forward Action
In this section we will learn about Struts ForwardAction (org.apache.struts.actions.ForwardAction). The ForwardAction is one of the Built-in Actions that is shipped with struts framework.
- - Struts LookupDispatchAction Example
Struts LookupDispatch Action (org.apache.struts.actions.LookupDispatchAction) is one of the Built-in Actions provided along with the struts framework.
- - Struts MappingDispatchAction Example
Struts MappingDispatch Action (org.apache.struts.actions.MappingDispatchAction) is one of the Built-in Actions provided along with the struts framework.
In this article we will see how to achieve this. Struts provides four important classes for this
- Aggregating Actions In Struts Revisited -
In my previous article Aggregating Actions in Struts , I have given a brief idea of how to create action aggregations. An action aggregation is a grouping of a set of related actions into a single unified action in order to eliminate the need to write a new action class for every action. In this part, I will walk through a full-fledged practical example of each of the types presented in Part I namely the DispatchAction , LookupDispatchAction , MappingDispatchAction and ActionDispatcher along with two new aggregations which slightly differ in syntax but are more efficient than the previous ones.
- - Set the mapping name
Set the mapping name to the action attribute of html:link
- Set the action name example
Set the action name to the action attribute of html:link -
- - Configuring Struts DataSource Manager on Tomcat 5
In this lesson we will create example to Configure Struts DataSource Manager on Tomcat 5.
In this tutorial we shall see how to implement Internationalization (abbreviated as I18N) in Struts.
- - Developing
Struts PlugIn
This article show you how to develop custom Struts PlugIn and incorporate in your Struts Web Applications. After completing this tutorial you will be able to create your own custom PlugIn for your web application.
- - Struts
Nested Tag
The tag library â??nestedâ?? is included in Struts 1.1. In this tutorial we are going to explain what are the features of nested tag library and how you can use it. We can manage nested beans easily with the help of struts nested tag library.
- Struts
Logic Tags Examples
The Struts Logic tags provides the functionally that enables the programmers to generate html output based on different control statements like looping, iteration, if, else. etc..
- Introduction
to Struts Logic Tags
Struts logic tags are conditional tags that replaces scriptlets in the jsp files.
- Logic
Empty and notEmpty Tags
- Tag evaluation of the nested body content occurs only if the specified value is either absent (i.e.null
), an empty string (i.e. ajava.lang.String
with a length of zero)
- Logic
Equal and notEqual Tags -
- if the requested variable is equal to the specified value then this tag is used to evaluate the contents contained in the nested body parts of this tag
- Logic
greaterEqual and greaterThan Tags -
- This tag compares the variable against the specified constant value. If the variable is greater than or equal to the specified value then the nested body contents of this tag is evaluated
- Logic
lessEqual and lessThan Tags -
This tag compares the variable against the specified constant value. If the variable is less than or equal to the specified value then the nested body contents of this tag is evaluated
- Logic
match and notMatch Tags -
This tag matches the variable specified as a String against the specified constant value. If the value is a substring then the nested body content of this tag is evaluated.
- Logic
present and notPresent Tags -
This tag checks the current request and depending on which attribute is specified, it evaluates the nested body content of this tag only if the specified value is present.
- Introduction
to Struts Logic Tags
- - Download
the Source code
- Download the Source code of the application.
Struts Hibernate Integration Tutorial NEW
In this tutorial I will show you how to integrate Struts and Hibernate.
After completing this tutorial you will be able to use Hibernate in your
Struts project. Download
the source code of Struts Hibernate Integration Tutorial.
- Struts
Hibernate Integration Tutorial
In this tutorial I will show you how to integrate Struts and Hibernate. After completing this tutorial you will be able to use Hibernate in your Struts project. We will be using Hibernate Struts plug-in to write high performance application using Struts and Hibernate
- Setting
up MySQL Database and table
This section describes how to setup database and populate it with the data. We are using MySQL Database for this tutorial.
- Downloading
Struts, Hibernate and Integrate It
This section explains you to setup the develop workbench for our Struts Hibernate tutorial
- Writing
Hibernate configuration file, POJO class and Tutorial.hbm.xml
(Hibernate mapping class)
In this section we will write required hibernate objects like configuration files and then integrate all the stuffs.
- Developing
Hibernate Struts Plugin
In this section we will write Hibernate Struts Plugin Java code and integrate it with the Struts.
- Writing
Web Client to Search the database using Struts Hibernate Plugin
In this section we will write web client to test struts Plugin. We will be developing a search form to search the tutorials from the table.
- Build
and testing the application
In this section we will build our Struts Hibernate Plugin Application and then test.
Jakarta Struts -
Tutorial By R.S.RAMASWAMY Email: [email protected] |
Struts Validator Framework;
- Simple Struts Applications
- Struts Integration with EJB |
Struts Tutorials, Struts Software, Struts References, Struts Projects, Struts Presentations, Struts MappingDispatchAction Example, Struts LookupDispatchAction Example, Struts Links, Struts IDE, Struts Guide, Struts Frameworks, Struts Book, Struts Articles, Struts Alternative, Struts Validator Framework, Struts MappingDispatchAction Example, Aggregating Actions In Struts Revisited, Struts API