Login and User Registration Application
In this tutorial we will learn how to develop login application based on Struts, Hibernate and Spring Framework. We will be using MySQL database to store the user information, and then authenticate the user at the login time. You can easily use this Login application to quick start your application development.
- Simplified Application Development
This tutorial provides an outlook of the alternative lightweight approaches for building J2EE enterprise based web application by combining all the three mentioned frameworks e.g. Struts, Hibernate and Spring.
- About this Login Application
This tutorial provides some simple steps for creating a website login application that can be used later in any big Struts Hibernate and Spring based application.
=> Login Form
Login Screen our web application allows the user the registered user to logon to the system.
=> Update Profile
The Update Profile page allows the logged in user to update his/her profile. Form allows user to change his/her password.
=> Forgot Password
The Forgot Password for allows the retrieve their forgotten password.
- Designing and creating database
Database designing is considered as crucial stage in the development lifecycle of the web application. The database is finally responsible for storing the data in the database for retrieval in future.
- Downloading the required software and integration into web application
In this section you will learn how to download required software for our Login and Registration Application. In this tutorial we are using one of the best technologies (Struts, Hibernate and Spring).
- Writing POJO and configuration files
We have only one table into the database and we need one POJO class and the hibernate mapping file to map the login object to the database table.
- Writing Spring Application Context
definition xml
In this section we will wire up the components by defining the Application context definition file (applicationContext-hibernate.xml). This file is used by context loader servlet to initialize the Spring application context.
- Configuring the Spring
Context Loader Servlet
In this section we will learn about Spring's Context loader servlet and then see how to add the required configuration in the web.xml file to load the Spring Context.
- Understanding Spring Struts
Hibernate DAO Layer
In this section we will understand how Spring Hibernate and Struts will work together to provide best solution for any web based application.
- DAO Layer explained
In this section we will explain you the DAO Layer of our application.
- Send Mail Bean
In our application we have developed mailer bean that sends welcome email when a new user is registered to the system. Mail Bean also used when user asks for the forgotten password.
- Developing User Registration
In this section we will develop user registration form code.
- User Registration Action Class
and DAO code
In this section we will explain how to write code for action class and code for saving data into database.
- Login Form
In this section we will develop Login Form code for our application.
- Developing Login Action Class
In this section we will explain how to write code for login action class and database code for validating the user against database.
- Developing Forgot Password Form
In this section we will develop Forgot Password Form code for our application.
- Developing Forgot Password
Action Class
In this section we will explain how to write code for Forgot Password and code for emailing the password.
- Update Profile form and action
In this section we will learn about update profile logic.
- Compiling and testing the
In this application we will compile and deploy the application on tomcat.
- Download Full Source Code
You can download the full source code of the application from here.