Creating a Frame

This page discusses - Creating a Frame

Creating a Frame

Java Swing

In this section we are giving many tutorial example of Java Swing.

Swing library provides many commonly used tools such as textbox, slider, calender, combobox checkbox and many more for creating GUI in Java based applications. It is used only with the swing based applications. It can't be used in web based applications. For web based application that you can use swing with your applet.

Swing libraries is used for creating desktop applications in Java.

Some of the features of Swing are:

* Swing GUI Components

* Java 2D API

* Pluggable Look-and-Feel Support

* Data Transfer

* Internationalization

* Accessibility API

Following the links below to learn Swing with the help of example code:

  1. What is java swing?
  2. Creating a Frame  
  3. Setting the Icon for a Frame
  4. Showing a Dialog Box
  5. Changing the Label of a JButton Component
  6. Creating a Multi line Label for a JButton Component
  7. Adding an Icon to a JButton Component
  8. Making a Frame Non-Resizable
  9. Removing the Title Bar of a Frame
  10. Setting the Bounds for a Maximized Frame
  11. Iconifying and Maximizing a Frame
  12. Making a Component Draggable to Drag and Drop
  13. Create a toolbar Which have three buttons Such as: Cut, Copy, Paste
  14. Animating Images in an Application
  15. Drawing colorful shapes
  16. Drawing with a Gradient Color
  17. Adding a Rollover and Pressed Icon to a JButton Component
  18. Creating a JCheckbox Component
  19. Customizing the Icons in a JCheckBox Component
  20. Creating a JComboBox Component
  21. Adding and Removing an Item in a JComboBox Component
  22. Creating a JRadioButton Component
  23. Selecting a JRadioButton Component in a Button Group
  24. Creating a JList Component
  25. Setting the Dimensions of an Item in a JList Component
  26. Setting a Tool Tip for an Item in a JList Component
  27. Creating an JSpinner Component
  28. Creating an JSpinner Component with time
  29. Disabling Keyboard Editing in a JSpinner Component
  30. Limiting the Values in a Number JSpinner Component
  31. JSlider Component
  32. JProgressBar Component
  33. Creating Menus
  34. Creating a Popup Menu
  35. Creating a Popup Menu with Nested Menus
  36. Creating a JScrollPane Container
  37. Listening for Scrollbar Value Changes in a JScrollPane Container
  38. Creating a JSplitPane Container
  39. Creating a JTabbedPane Container
  40. Adding and Removing Tab to a JTabbedPane Container
  41. Enabling and Disabling a Tab in a JTabbedPane Container
  42. Setting the Color of a Tab in a JTabbedPane Container
  43. Creating a JDesktopPane Container
  44. Getting All Frames in a JDesktopPane Container
  45. Showing an Image in a Tool Tip
  46. Laying Out Components in a Grid (Separating Components in a Row or Column)
  47. Laying Out Components Using Absolute Coordinates
  48. Adding an InputMap to a Component
  49. Capturing a Screen Shot
  50. Getting and Setting a Look and Feel
  51. Setting the Default Look and Feel