Making a Frame Non Resizable in Java

This program illustrates you how to make a frame non resizable. It means, disabling the maximize button of the frame.

Making a Frame Non Resizable in Java

This program illustrates you how to make a frame non resizable. It means, disabling the maximize button of the frame.

Making a Frame Non Resizable in Java

Making a Frame Non Resizable in Java


This program illustrates you how to make a frame non resizable. It means, disabling the maximize button of the frame.

The setResizable() method has been used to make the frame resizable or not. If you pass the boolean value false to the setResizable() method then the frame will be non-resizable otherwise frame will be resizable. The setResizable() is the method of the JFrame class which takes a boolean valued argument (true or false).

Screen shot for the result of the program:

Non Resizable Frame.

Here is the code of the program : 

import javax.swing.*;

public class SwingFrameNonResizable{
  public static void main(String[] args){
  JFrame frame = new JFrame("Non Resizable Frame");

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