The Life cycle of An Applet

In this Section you will learn about the lifecycle of an applet and different methods of an applet.

The Life cycle of An Applet

In this Section you will learn about the lifecycle of an applet and different methods of an applet.

The Life cycle of An Applet

The Life cycle of An Applet



In this Section you will learn about the lifecycle of an applet and different methods of an applet. Applet runs in the browser and its lifecycle method are called by JVM when it is loaded and destroyed. Here are the lifecycle methods of an Applet: 

init(): This method is called to initialized an applet

start(): This method is called after the initialization of the applet.

stop(): This method can be called multiple times in the life cycle of an Applet.

destroy(): This method is called only once in the life cycle of the applet when applet is destroyed.

init () method: The life cycle of an applet is begin  on that time when the applet is first loaded into the browser and called the init() method. The init() method is called only one time in the life cycle on an applet. The init() method is basically called to read the PARAM tag in the html file. The init () method retrieve the passed parameter through the PARAM tag of html file using get Parameter() method All the initialization such as initialization of variables and the objects like image, sound file are loaded in the init () method .After the initialization of the init() method user can interact  with the Applet and mostly applet contains the init() method.

Start () method: The start method of an applet is called after the initialization method init(). This method may be called multiples time when the Applet needs to be started or restarted. For Example if the user wants to return to the Applet, in this situation the start Method() of an Applet will be called by the web browser and the user will be back on the applet. In the start method user can interact within the applet.

Stop () method:  The stop() method can be called multiple times in the life cycle of applet like the start () method. Or should be called at least one time. There is only miner difference between the start() method and stop () method. For example the stop() method is called by the web browser on that time When the user leaves one applet to go another applet and the start() method is called on that time when the user wants to go back into the first program or Applet.

destroy() method: The destroy() method is called  only one time in the life cycle of Applet like init() method. This method is called only on that time when the browser needs to Shut down.



  1. What is an Applet
  2. The Life cycle of An Applet
  3. Java Applet - Creating First Applet Example
  4. Java - Drawing Shapes Example in java
  5. Java - Drawing Shapes Example using color in java
  6. Java - Event Listeners Example in Java Applet
  7. Applet - Passing Parameter in Java Applet
  8. Opening a URL from an Applet
  9. Java - Opening a url in new window from an applet
  10. Applet is not Working
  11. Display image in the applet
  12. Applet Write Files Example
  13. Play Audio in Java Applet
  14. Security Issues with the Applet
  15. Swing Applet Example in java
  16. The Sample Banner Example in Java
  17. Clock Applet in Java
  18. HTML Document Creation
  19. Tag Parameters: The Tag
  20. The APPLET Tag in Detail
  21. Java and HTML: The Basics
  22. What Exactly is HTML?
  23. Welcome to the Internet
  24. java.applet package examples
  25. java.applet package examples
  26. What is an Applet - Java Applet Tutorial
  27. Java - Read file Applet
  28. Applet versus Application
  29. Tag Parameters: The Tag
  30. Java - Opening a url in new window from an applet
  31. Java - Opening a URL from an Applet
  32. Applet Tag Parameters,Applet Tag in HTML
  33. Applets in Java
  34. What is Applet in Java?
  35. What is Applet in Java with Example?