Java - Opening a url in new window from an applet

This is the example of opening a url from an applet. This program shows that how a url is opened in a new document or browser.

Java - Opening a url in new window from an applet

This is the example of opening a url from an applet. This program shows that how a url is opened in a new document or browser.

Java - Opening a url in new window from an applet

Java - Opening a url in new window from an applet


This is the example of opening a url from an applet. This program shows that how a url is opened in a new document or browser. When you click the button "google", new browser window will open displaying the specified url, in our case url is This is accomplished by specifying the target as " _blank" while calling getAppletContext.showDocument(url, target) function.



Here is the code of the program : 

import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class testURL_NewWindow extends Applet implements ActionListener{

  public void init(){
  String link_Text = "google";
  Button b = new Button(link_Text);

  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
  //get the button label
  Button source = (Button)ae.getSource();
  String link = "http://www."+source.getLabel()+".com";
  AppletContext a = getAppletContext();
  URL url = new URL(link);
//  a.showDocument(url,"_self");
//  _self to open page in same window  
  catch (MalformedURLException e){

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