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JPA Training

The Java Persistence API Training Course is a step-by-step introduction to build applications using the new Java persistence framework.This course is especially for those beginners who want to develop POJO?s based-applications interacting with the relatio

JPA Training


The Java Persistence API Training Course is a step-by-step introduction to build applications using the new Java persistence framework.This course is especially for those beginners who want to develop POJO?s based-applications interacting with the relational database. It uses the release version of EJB 3.0, defined in Java EE 5.0 specification.

JPA Stands for Java Persistence API, also known as EJB3 Persistence or JEE 5 Persistence. It is the new Sun standard object/relation-mapping and lightweight framework for creating Java database applications. It lets you develop persistent classes and POJO objects to the relational database using following common Java idiom such as - association, inheritance, polymorphism, composition and the Java collections framework.

Here is the video tutorial of "JPA Training Course":ADS_TO_REPLACE_1

 JPA Training Objectives

 In this course you will learn how to persist your class POJO's with relational database using JPA Object-Relational mapping technology. After completing this course, you will be confident for implementing and maintaining Object-Relational persistence in your JPA application, including all necessary client-side and server-side programming.ADS_TO_REPLACE_2

JPA Training Course Prerequisites

Before learning this course, we are assuming that the candidate has good background in the following technologies:

  • Intermediate knowledge of Core Java programming.
  • Creating basic web applications using Servlet & JSP.
  • Some familiarity with SQL, relational databases, and the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) interfaces will be helpful.

 JPA Course Contents

Day 1


  • Introduction to JPA
  • JPA Features
  • JPA and EJB 3.0 (Annotations)

·   JPA Architecture

  • Understanding key functionalities of JPA
  • JPA O/R Mapping (ORM) Overview
  • Setting up the Environment
    • Required Libraries
    • Data Source
    • IDE's (as Eclipse)
    • Application Server (as JBoss 4.x)
  • Understanding JPA Configuration Files
    • persistence.xml
    • jboss-app.xml

Day 2
Creating First JPA Application

o   Creating POJO classesADS_TO_REPLACE_4

o   Using annotations for persistence mapping (as @Entity & @Id)

o   Understanding Configuring the persistence context

o   Understanding and Configuring the EntityManagerADS_TO_REPLACE_5

o   Working with the EntityManager to persist objects

o   Transactions and flushing

o   Reading, updating and writing persistent objectsADS_TO_REPLACE_6

o   Working with DataSource, connection pools, and JTA

o   Deploying the application on JBoss AS using Ant

o   Running the application ADS_TO_REPLACE_7

Day 3

·  Simple JPA-QL Queries

·  Building EJB Queries ADS_TO_REPLACE_8

o   The Select Clause

o   The Where Clause

o   Update QueryADS_TO_REPLACE_9

o   Delete Query

o   Aggregate Functions (Associations and Joins)

o   Group By Clause ExampleADS_TO_REPLACE_10

o   Order By Example

 Day 4

·   Understanding More Mapping OptionsADS_TO_REPLACE_11

o   @Table

o   @Column

o   @JoinColumn ADS_TO_REPLACE_12

o   @JoinTable

·  Simple JPA Relationships

o   @OneToMany ADS_TO_REPLACE_13

o   @OneToOne

o   @ManyToMany

·  Mapping more than one EntityADS_TO_REPLACE_14



Contact us at [email protected] for your training requirements.

It Training Inquiry Form
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Posted on: March 27, 2008 If you enjoyed this post then why not add us on Google+? Add us to your Circles



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