hi friend, can u plz send me javascript code for find the wether the first character is a vowel or not. 2) check wether the last character is same as the first character or not
3) check wehter it contains a space any where
4)replace all the "a" with "e"
5) extract the last three characters and check if it is "com" or not
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find the first character is vowel or notfind the
first character is
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import java.util.*;
class DisplayVowels
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner input=new Scanner(System.in);
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java string vowel programjava string
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JavaScript regex validate Character Character.
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Character value : "+name);
return true;
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JavaScript regex validate Character Character
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Character value : "+name);
return true;
alert("It is not valid
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return false;
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