Here you will find the video tutorial for creating first Java program. You can learn through video tutorial of Java.
Welcome to java tutorial series. In this lesson, you will learn to create your first Java program.
In Java, all source code is written in plain text file which is saved as .java file. The Java compiler is use to compile the source code (.java file) into binary file with .class extension. On the command prompt the javac command is used to invoke the Java compiler. This .class file does not contain code that is native to your processor; instead it contains a byte code that is converted into machine specific binary code by the Java Virtual Machine.
You can write a Hello World program as your first Java program. To write the Hello world program you need simple text editor like note pad and make sure the JDK is already installed on your machine for compiling and running that program.
Here is the complete video tutorial.
Write the following code, given on the screen, on your note pad to and save as file.
Here is the complete code of the program.
public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args){ System.out.println("Hello World!"); } }
You can save the above file in java file e.g. in any drive of your hard disk.
Save the file and remember the location where you save your file. In this example we have saved the file in the C:\javatutorial\example directory. Save the file with .java extension. e.g.
Using javac, you can compile the Java source code into byte code and using java command, you can interpret and run the program as shown on your screen.
After compiling the program it generates the .class file. In our case HelloWorld.class will be generated. You can execute the file using java HelloWorld command.
You should open the command prompt and go to the directory where java is saved. To compile use the java command and to execute the program use java HelloWorld command.
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