opening new browser with new JSESSIONID using java

opening new browser with new JSESSIONID using java

I am facing following problem, I am trying to open a new browser using java. First i have opened one IE browser and manually. And i ran my file, it is opening new browser but with the same JSESSIONID of which IE browser window i opened manually. Her it is giving same JSESSIONID for both the windows(one is manually opened and another one is opened by my But that is not my requirement. I have to open a new browser window with new JSESSIONID.

Here is my code:


    public class LaunchURL {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        String url=""+9999999999l;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    public class BareBonesBrowserLaunch {
    static final String[] browsers = {"google-chrome", "firefox", "opera",
        "epiphany", "konqueror", "conkeror", "midori", "kazehakase", "mozilla","Microsoft Internet Explorer"};
    static final String errMsg = "Error attempting to launch web browser";
    >public static void openURL(String url) {
      try {  //attempt to use Desktop library from JDK 1.6+
         Class d = Class.forName("java.awt.Desktop");
         d.getDeclaredMethod("browse", new Class[] {}).invoke(
            new Object[] {});
         //above code mimicks:  java.awt.Desktop.getDesktop().browse()
      catch (Exception ignore) {  //library not available or failed
         String osName = System.getProperty("");
         try {
            if (osName.startsWith("Mac OS")) {
                  "openURL", new Class[] {String.class}).invoke(null,
                  new Object[] {url});
            else if (osName.startsWith("Windows"))
                  "rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler " + url);
            else { //assume Unix or Linux
               String browser = null;
               for (String b : browsers)
                  if (browser == null && Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]
                        {"which", b}).getInputStream().read() != -1)
                     Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] {browser = b, url});
               if (browser == null)
                  throw new Exception(Arrays.toString(browsers));
         catch (Exception e) {
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, errMsg + "\n" + e.toString());
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