mini project using eclipse

mini project using eclipse

please send me the steps to design online examination system using eclipse,,,,b fast,,,,,

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released The developers of   ca.jimr - gae-mini-profiler project have... this version ( ca.jimr - gae-mini-profiler version 1.1.0 ) in their Java project... version 1.1.0 in project? Steps to use  ca.jimr - gae-mini-profiler
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released The developers of   ca.jimr - gae-mini-profiler project have... this version ( ca.jimr - gae-mini-profiler version 1.1.1 ) in their Java project... version 1.1.1 in project? Steps to use  ca.jimr - gae-mini-profiler
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released The developers of   ca.jimr - gae-mini-profiler project have... this version ( ca.jimr - gae-mini-profiler version 2.0.0 ) in their Java project... version 2.0.0 in project? Steps to use  ca.jimr - gae-mini-profiler
Maven dependency for ca.jimr - gae-mini-profiler version 2.0.1 is released. Learn to use gae-mini-profiler version 2.0.1 in Maven based Java projects
released The developers of   ca.jimr - gae-mini-profiler project have... this version ( ca.jimr - gae-mini-profiler version 2.0.1 ) in their Java project... version 2.0.1 in project? Steps to use  ca.jimr - gae-mini-profiler
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released The developers of   ca.jimr - gae-mini-profiler project have... this version ( ca.jimr - gae-mini-profiler version 2.0.2 ) in their Java project... version 2.0.2 in project? Steps to use  ca.jimr - gae-mini-profiler
Maven dependency for ca.jimr - gae-mini-profiler version 2.0.3 is released. Learn to use gae-mini-profiler version 2.0.3 in Maven based Java projects
released The developers of   ca.jimr - gae-mini-profiler project have... this version ( ca.jimr - gae-mini-profiler version 2.0.3 ) in their Java project... version 2.0.3 in project? Steps to use  ca.jimr - gae-mini-profiler
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