Adding DOCTYPE to a XML File
In this section, you will learn to add a DOCTYPE to your XML file using the DOM APIs.
Description of program:
The following program helps to add a DOCTYPE in your XML file. Program takes a XML file name on the console and it checks, the given file exists or not. If the given file exists then it is parsed using the parse() method and a Document object treee is created . Abstract class Transformer is used to transform a source tree into a xml file The setOutputProperty() method invokes to the Transformer object and sets the systemId and publicId to the DOCTYPE in the XML file.
Here is the XML File: Employee-Detail.xml
<?xml version = "1.0" ?> <Employee-Detail> <Employee> <Emp_Id> E-001 </Emp_Id> <Emp_Name> Vinod </Emp_Name> <Emp_E-mail> [email protected] </Emp_E-mail> </Employee> <Employee> <Emp_Id> E-002 </Emp_Id> <Emp_Name> Amit </Emp_Name> <Emp_E-mail> [email protected] </Emp_E-mail> </Employee> <Employee> <Emp_Id> E-003 </Emp_Id> <Emp_Name> Deepak </Emp_Name> <Emp_E-mail> [email protected] </Emp_E-mail> </Employee> </Employee-Detail> |
Here is the Java File:
Output of this program:
XML docType SystemId and publicId
C:\vinod\xml>java AddDocType Enter XML file name: Employee-Detail.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE Employee-Detail PUBLIC "publicId" "systmId"> <Employee-Detail> <Employee> <Emp_Id> E-001 </Emp_Id> <Emp_Name> Vinod </Emp_Name> <Emp_E-mail> [email protected] </Emp_E-mail> </Employee> <Employee> <Emp_Id> E-002 </Emp_Id> <Emp_Name> Sushil </Emp_Name> <Emp_E-mail>[email protected] </Emp_E-mail> </Employee> <Employee> <Emp_Id> E-003 </Emp_Id> <Emp_Name> Amit </Emp_Name> <Emp_E-mail> [email protected] </Emp_E-mail> </Employee> </Employee-Detail> |