Apache Axis2 Tomcat: Installing Apache Axis2 on Tomcat

Tomcat is one of the most used Servlet container. It is open source and free.

Apache Axis2 Tomcat: Installing Apache Axis2 on Tomcat

Apache Axis2 Tomcat: Installing Apache Axis2 on Tomcat


Apache Axis2 on Tomcat
Tomcat is one of the most used Servlet container. It is open source and free. Tomcat can be used to develop and deploy commercial as well as free applications. In this section we will learn how to install Apache Axis2 Web service engine on the Tomcat server.

After completing the tutorial you will be able to run your own Web services on the Tomcat server. Installing the Apache Axis2 engine is very simple process and you can learn in half an hour.

Software Required

  • Apache Tomcat 6 or above
  • Apache Axis2 web achieve (.war file)
  •  JDK 6 or latest version. I am assuming that JDK is installed and configured on your computer
  • Eclipse IDE. Eclipse is not mandatory, you can develop Web services manually

Let's see how we can install the Apache Axis2 engine on Tomcat server

Step 1:

Download, install and configure JDK 6 or above on your computer

Step 2:

Download and install Apache Tomcat on your computer.

Step 3:

If you want to develop and test the Web services from Eclipse IDE, then download it from the eclipse website. Read in detail at Axis2 Eclipse plugin Tutorial.

Step 4:

Now you can download and install the Apache Axis2 engine on Tomcat server. Read it in detail at Downloading and Installing Apache Axis2.