Struts 2 Ajax

In this section, we explain you Ajax based development in Struts 2. Struts 2 provides built-in support for Ajax using Dojo toolkit. This is one of the greatest feature added to the Struts 2 framework. Ajax allows the developers to develop GUI like web app

Struts 2 Ajax

Struts 2 Ajax


In this section, we explain you Ajax based development in Struts 2. Struts 2 provides built-in support for Ajax using Dojo toolkit. This is one of the greatest feature added to the Struts 2 framework. Ajax allows the developers to develop GUI like web applications. In this section we will provide you many examples to use Ajax in Struts 2 applications.

  1. Ajax Feature in Struts 2

  2. Login Application Using Ajax
    This section provides you an easy and complete implementation of login form using the Ajax (DOJO). Lets develop a login application using Ajax. This login application first authenticates a user, it asks for a login name and password.
  3. Login or Cancel Application Using Ajax
    This section provides you, an easy and complete implementation of login application with features like submit and cancel buttons using the Ajax (DOJO). This application also checks the user validation i.e. the logging user is valid or not.
  4. Struts 2 Session Scope
    In this section, you will learn to create an AJAX application in Struts2 Framework that displays some messages with session.