Java : Servlet Tutorials - Page 2

In this section, you will learn about the java Servlet with running example.

Java : Servlet Tutorials - Page 2

Java : Servlet Tutorials


  1. Context attributes in Servlet
    All Servlets belong to one servlet context. A Servlet Context attribute is used by all servlets and jsp in a context or web application. 
  2. Client Auto Refresh in Servlets
    We are providing you an example which explains you clearly. In the example, We have created the session by request.getSession() method. The method response.addHeader("Refresh", "15") refreshes the servlet after every 15 seconds till the servlet gets destroy.
  3. Use Log in Servlet Context
    We are providing you an example. In the given example, an object of Servlet Context is defined. The method context.log() writes the specified message to a servlet log file.
  4. Create XML File using Servlet
    In this section, you will learn how to create xml file using Servlet  We have created  file It creates XML file with its version and encoding and display a message 'Xml File Created Successfully'.  
  5. Simple Web Application using Servlet
    In this section, we have developed a simple web application in Servlet . In this application user can add, update and delete all the user information.
  6. Export data into CSV File using Servlet
    In this section, you will learn how to Export data into  CSV file using Servlet. We have created  file "" to export data from this .java file..
  7. Export data into CSV File using JDBC in Servlet
    In this section, you will learn how to export data into CSV file using JDBC in Servlet. We have created  file "" to export data from database in to CSV file.
  8. Stored Data in XML File using Servlet
    In this section, you will learn how to stored data in xml file using Servlet  We have created  file login.jsp, User details in the "login.jsp" are to be stored in xml file.
  9. Upload Image using Servlet
    In this example program a form is displayed to user, where user can browse the image file which is to be uploaded on the server. Once the submit button is clicked the form data is posted to a servlet.

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