
In this section you will find many tutorials, articles and information related to the management. These articles and informational topics will help you in learning the Business Management concepts.

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Tutorial Communication: Marketing tools
Undoubtedly today communication is an inseparable part of modern life and the same is true for the survival of any business organization where communication is the crucial part for its successfully running. Story tells the need and many ways of communication for the successfully running of a business organisation. View Rating

Tutorial Top 5 Business Management Tools
Our present discussion into the dynamics and perspectives of top 5 business management tools directly correspond to the evolving business challenges in the present global order of business and economy. View Rating

Tutorial How Recession Affects the Business Management?
How recession affects the business management through the overall economic as well as economic as well as industrial slowdown is a most repeated query in the post 2008 economic recession scenario. How recession affects the business management through financial Constrains? How Recession impacts the business management through slowdown in manufacturing? View Rating

Tutorial Motivation: Important Marketing tool
Marketing is a teamwork and it is the critical aspects for any company, which decides the final output of the company, and its strategy for the future. Motivation helps in encouraging in increasing the morale of employee and productivity of the organisation.Article tells the whole aspects of motivational strategy for a marketing tools. View Rating

Tutorial Outsourcing: Need for today's business
Today outsourcing has become a critical part for successful running of a business. It is not only helpful for the cost cutting for a company, but it also helps in expansion of the business. Article highlights the facts about the crucial role of outsourcing in the modern business activities. View Rating

Tutorial Project Human Resource Management
Project Human Resource Management is the process of utilizing all the individuals involved in the project effectively in order to get the best result for the project. This includes all the stakeholders of the project including the sponsors, customers, individual contributors, and all others. Basically, an effective project human resource management involves three steps. View Rating

Tutorial The Greatest Management Decisions that made the History
In the history of business and professional management a great range of decisions have been taken in the last one hundred years or so that brought forward great changes in the modern quality of life and our thinking practice. There are some of the management decisions in the world history of business that practically turned the history. View Rating

Tutorial The Greatest Hospitality Management Schools in India and Abroad
The worldwide popularity of tourism contributed largely to some of the greatest hospitality management schools in India and abroad. Here we would introduce some of the greatest hospitality management schools in India and abroad. The institutes mentioned above are the invariable names in the list of greatest hospitality management schools in India and abroad. View Rating

Tutorial How Technology Brought Change in Modern Management?
In the recent years innovations in technology have brought change in the modern management principles and skill set to a massive proportion. Let us see into few categories of new range of technological innovations to understand how technology brought change in modern management. View Rating

Tutorial What is Hospitality Management?
Hospitality management is the educational discipline in management concerning the hospitality industry. Hospitality industry commonly refers to the hotels, culinary facilities, restaurants, cafes,food joints, retreats, resorts, etc. The popularity of Hospitality Management as a business management discipline is extremely popular these days. View Rating
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