Directory Structure of Artifactory-1.2.2
Here are the folders that are shipped with the file.
- bin: batch files are used to run the included jetty web server.
- lib: Contains all the jar files required to run any application.
- webapps: Contains the war files of an application. We can also copy and install it in tomcat.
- logs: Includes all the log files.
- backup: Backs up the repository. We can
use 'cron' expressions to setup the backup policy and Quartz scheduler to run the backup at the specified time. The backup interval is
specified in the config.xml file inside the ?ARTIFACTORY_INSTALLATION
_FOLDER>/etc/artifactory folder?. - data: Includes the derby database files. If you are interested to clean up the repository then all the things containing in this folder are deleted. In case of new installation process this folder is empty.
- etc: Includes the artifactory configuration files "artifactory.config.xml", "jetty.xml" and "".