Java Training and Tutorials, Core Java Training
Introduction to online Java tutorials for new java programmers.
Java is a powerful object-oriented programming language with simple code structure. You can create applications and applets with graphics and user interfaces because Java has built-in application programming interface (API) and due to its rich set of interfaces java has a platform in itself. Java provides errorless programming with platform independent feature. Java developers tried to write the code structure similar to the syntax of C++ so it would be easy for C++ programmers to learn java. In comparison to C++, Java handles many operation like creation and deletion of memory automatically, it helps to make bug-free code in Java application.
The course we offered is designed and centered for new programmers. We provides you the course materials with extreme knowledge-full examples prepared by Java professionals. It makes you perfect in Java programming as well as for being a successful software professional. Here we also provides topic based examples with description in more generic way.
We prepare the course which covered all the topic of Java with point of view of Java professionals. We also keep in mind the topic which covered by sun-certification and try to make you perfect for certification. We covered all necessary topic of object-oriented programming in Java and this is the strong reason for you to trust our courses. The course we provides you is often easy to understand the concept of object-oriented programming because all the chapters are further divided in more topic.
Java Training Objectives:
After successfully completion of object-oriented programming course in Java. You are aware of the :
Uses of all data type and file input and output features.
Uses of Objects, classes, interfaces and inheritance.
Error handling in your program with exception handlers.
Object oriented design and analysis.
Serialization and Parsing the objects using object serialization.
Write multi-threaded programs and synchronize threads in program.
Familiar with RMI, UML diagram, relationship with classes, MIDIets, Applet and Swing Components.
Getting Started with Java SE
The jdk Directory Structure:
Datatypes and Variables
Data Types and Operators:
Strong Typing
Integer Data Types
Floating Point
Errors in Integer Arithmetic
Increment and Decrement Operators:
Bitwise and Bit Shift Operators:
Object-Oriented Programming
Access Control
Best Practices
Structured Data
Defining a Class
Instantiating and Creating an Object
Assignment of Objects
Instance Data and Class Data
Abstract Classes
Access Modifiers
Garbage Collection
Public vs. Private
Formatted Output
Using Java Objects
Printing to the Console
printf Format Strings
StringBuilder and StringBuffer
Methods and Messages
Parameter Passing
Comparing and Identifying Objects
Destroying Objects
Using the Primitive-Type Wrapper Classes
Calling Methods
Defining Methods
Method Parameters
Method Overriding
Char Data Type
Character Codes
ASCII and Unicode
String Input and Output
Modular Programming
Monolithic Programs
Functional Modularity
Object Modularity
Top-Down and Bottom-Up Development
Pass-By-Value and Pass-By-Reference
Nested Classes
Exception Handling and More Flow Control:
Declaring Exceptions
Errors and RuntimeExceptions
Exception Methods
Errors in Integer Arithmetic
Floating Point Operaations
I/O Exceptions vs. Runtime Exceptions
Input/Output Streams
Overview of Streams
Bytes vs. Characters
Converting Byte Streams to Character Streams
File Object
Binary Input and Output
PrintWriter Class
Reading and Writing Objects
Basic and Filtered Streams
Core Collection Classes
Collection Sorting and Tuning:
Sorting with Comparable
Sorting with Comparator
Sorting Lists and Arrays:
Collections Utility Methods
Tuning ArrayList
Inner Classes
Inner Classes
Member Classes
Local Classes
Anonymous Classes
Instance Initializers
Static Nested Classes
Thread States
Runnable Threads
Coordinating Threads
Interrupting Threads
Runnable Interface
The import Statement
Static Imports
CLASSPATH and Import
Defining Packages
Package Scope
Advanced Java Features
Reusable Software Components
Error Checking and the SQLException Class
The SQLWarning Class
Parameterized Statements
Transaction Management