JavaScript array processing

By processing array we simply mean that processing of the outputs of an array.

JavaScript array processing

By processing array we simply mean that processing of the outputs of an array.

JavaScript array processing

JavaScript array processing


By processing array we simply mean that processing of the outputs of an array. Here in this example we have created three array objects and these three objects represents the information regarding the three employees.

In this example of processing JavaScript array we have three array objects emp1, emp2, emp3. We have printed this information by the for loop.

Here is the example code of javascript_array_processing.html as follows:





JavaScript array processing
<script type="text/javascript">
var emp1 = new Array("1","Kumar","Java Programmer");
var emp2 = new Array("2","Vijay","PHP Programmer");
var emp3 = new Array("3","Joy","C++ Programmer");
document.write("EMPID ------ Name --------- Designation ----<hr>");
for(var i=0;i<emp1.length;i++){
for(var j=0;j<emp2.length;j++){
for(var k=0;k<emp3.length;k++){
<body bgcolor="#ddcdff">
JavaScript array processing

Output of the HTML page would be :

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