This example shows how to format time using Format class. In this program we use a pattern of special characters to time format.
Time Format Example
This example shows how to format time using Format class. In this program we use a pattern of special characters to time format.Description of the code :
SimpleDateFormat() : SimpleDateFormat class use for formatting and parsing dates. It allows for formatting date into text , parsing text into date and normalization.
format() : This method used for format Date class object into date / time and appends the it into the StringBuffer.
import java.text.*; import java.util.*; public class FormattingTime { public static void main(String args[]) { Locale[] locales = {Locale.FRANCE, Locale.ITALY, Locale.CHINA}; Date date = new Date(); String s; for (int i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) { System.out.println("Date formate in " + locales[i].getDisplayLanguage()); // 22.33 s = SimpleDateFormat.getTimeInstance(SimpleDateFormat.SHORT, locales[i]).format(date); System.out.println("Short\t: " + s); // 22.33.03 s = SimpleDateFormat.getTimeInstance(SimpleDateFormat.MEDIUM, locales[i]).format(date); System.out.println("Medium\t: " + s); // 22.33.03 PST s = SimpleDateFormat.getTimeInstance(SimpleDateFormat.LONG, locales[i]).format(date); System.out.println("Long\t: " + s); // 22.33.03 PST s = SimpleDateFormat.getDateInstance(SimpleDateFormat.FULL, locales[i]).format(date); System.out.println("Full\t: " + s); // 22.33.03 s = SimpleDateFormat.getTimeInstance(SimpleDateFormat.DEFAULT, locales[i]).format(date); System.out.println("Default\t: "+s + "\n"); } } }
Date formate in French
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