Interactive, Non-Interactive Gauge Example

This example shows, how to create the Gauge class to draw the interactive and non-interactive gauge which is used to display the volume label.

Interactive, Non-Interactive Gauge Example

Interactive, Non-Interactive Gauge Example


This example shows, how to create the Gauge class to draw the interactive and non-interactive gauge which is used to display the volume label.

The javax.microedition.lcdui.Gauge class has only one constructor as:

Gauge(String label, boolean interactive, int maxValue, int initialValue):- This is used to creates a new Gauge object with the given label, in interactive or non-interactive mode, with the given maximum and initial values.

In this Interactive gauge example, we are using following methods:

  • getMaxValue()
  • getValue()
  • isInteractive()
  • setMaxValue(int maxValue) 
  • setValue(int value)

The Application is as follows:



Source Code of


import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
import javax.microedition.midlet.*;

public class GaugeExample extends MIDlet implements CommandListener{
  private Form form;
  private Display display;
  private Command back;
  private String label1, label2;
  private Gauge gauge1, gauge2;
  public GaugeExample(){
  label1 = new String("Interactive");
  label2 = new String("Non-Interactive");
  gauge1 = new Gauge("Interactive", true, 10040);
  gauge2 = new Gauge("Static", false, 10040)

  public void startApp(){
  Form form = new Form("GaugeExample");
  back = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 0);
  display = Display.getDisplay(this);

  public void pauseApp(){}

  public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional){

  public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable s){
  String label = c.getLabel();
  if (label.equals("EXIT")){

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