Login Page: What is the use of Login Page?
Login Page is very common among any type of secured applications and its widely used on the internet for authenticating the user before presenting the secured pages of the web applications. For example to use Facebook you have to get authenticated by the Facebook before they give you access to their platform. The user authentication is done through a special web page called Login Page. The Login page asks you to enter your credentials which is then validated by the application and after successful validation you are presented with the secured part of the application.
In this example we will see the actual use of Login Page in web application or any other type of applications. For example if you have to use Windows or Linux operating system you have to login to the system by providing the username and password. So, login page will validate you to find if you are the authenticated user of the OS or not. If not you won't be able to the operating system and can't access it. The security and authentication of any application is very old process which is in used with the invention of the Operating systems. Linux is considered as most secured operating system and it manages the security very well.
Similarly in Android and iOS applications login page/form is used to validate the user with the system before access is given to the user. So, there are various types of login page to meet the specific requirement of the applications. Many companies are designing the login page in very unique way to make their application very attractive. In this section we are going to explore the Login Form/Login Page used in the applications these days.
What is Login Page in web application?
So, let's see the Login Page of the applications. If you get asked, you don't need to know. Basically you should think like this:
- Login Page is the page where you can get authenticated
before the access of the application.
- Web Application is the interface to the main server and you
can access the application through web browser. Before accessing
the secured part of the application you must authenticate
yourself with the website by providing your username and
password. If you don't have username/password (account) on the
website you should register with the website and create
credentials(username/password) for yourself.
- Login Form is the page where you can login to the
application or the page where the system will display the
information you are going to enter for the application. For
example, you can login to website and access the secured dynamic
- Insecure Login Page may lead to application security vulnerabilities in the web applications. So, you should properly secure your login page with the SSL and other security measures.
We all need to create some form on our site that is mandatory for the visitor to register and a new user to be able to access the website. For example, users would need to enter their email and provide their password to register if they are getting the login form from a login page.
By default such login forms are protected by the server. All we need to do is check if user's passphrases are correct before they can log in. If users' passphrases are not correct the user log out which could make the web application vulnerable because any wrong user can potentially use the login page as a login for other accounts.
What is the use of Login Page?
The next questions is "What is the use of Login Page?". So, let's see the actual use of Login Page or Login Form in various types of applications. Suppose you have a shopping site and you want customers to add their details to your site before making purchase. This is also important when same customer comes back and again purchases on your site. The returning customer should be presented with the delivery address and other required details which they entered earlier. This will enable to customer to quickly purchase the products without again entering product delivery address. All this is possible by assigning a login id and password to the user. Your shopping website should be able to register the user with a unique id and password so that you can recognize the returning customer. This also increases the customer satisfaction and credibility of your shopping website. These days all the shopping portal provides the option for the customers to get registered on the website.
Here are uses of Login Page:
- Login Page is used to allow the user's to login on the
website and application.
- Applications/Websites identifies the users with their
username and password.
- Login Page takes user input and passes the data to
server-side program. The authentication is done by server-side
program and authentication results (message) is displayed to
user on the website site login form. If user is authenticated
they are forwarded to the secure section of the website.
- Login form also provides the link for the registration page. If website user is already not registered then he/she can register by visiting the registration section of the website.
How Login Form is developed?
Login form is simple HTML Form element with one input for username and other input for password. There are two buttons one for submitting the form and other for reset of the form. There might be links for forgot password and register new account. With these elements complete Login form is developed.
You can check the tutorial: How to create simple HTML Login Page?
In case native applications such as Android or iOS login form is developed using the native code and it becomes integral part of the application. But the logic of the Login and validation remains the same. Here also Login form calls the back-end server-side application for validating the users.
Here are the lists of related examples that you can try.
- What is HTML Form?
- How to create simple HTML Login Page?
- HTML Login Page Code
- HTML Code for registration form
- How to Create Student Registration Form with HTML Code?
- Ajax Login Example
- PHP MySQL Login Form
- JSP Login Form with MySQL Database Connection and back end validation
- How to make Spring web Login form?
- Spring 4 MVC Login form Example with source code
- Spring MVC Login Form Example
- Login Authentication using Bean and Servlet In JSP
- JSP Login Logout Example
- Spring, Hibernate login and registration application
- How to make Simple form in Spring web?