Hibernate Features
In this section we will see Hibernate features.
Hibernate is an Open Source persistence technology. Hibernate provide a way of mapping of applications class to the database table.
Main Features : It is ORM based and provide persistence
management solution or persistent layer. It maps database
tables to a class.
Here we are giving some features in points -
- Hibernate provides Object/Relational mappings. Here is different O/R mapping
strategies as multiple-objects to single-row mapping,
Polymorphic associations, bi-directional association, association filtering. It also provide XML mapping documents. - It provides different object oriented query languages. Minimal object oriented
Hibernate query language(HQL), native SQL queries,
High object oriented concept of criteria. - It provide transparent persistence without byte code processing.
- It introduces automatic Dirty Checking concept.
- It supports Detached object concept.
- It supports tough concept of composite keys.
- Automatic generation of primary key.
- Hibernate provides Dual-layer Cache Architecture.
- It provides session level cache and optional second-level cache.
- It introduces Lazy initialization.
- Hibernate provide outer join fetching.
- It supports optimistic locking with versioning.
- Optionally provide internal connection pooling and prepared statement caching.
- At system initialization time it generate SQL.
- It provide feature of J2EE integration.
- It supports JMX and JCA.