How hard is it to learn TensorFlow?

How hard is it to learn TensorFlow?


I am beginner in machine learning. I want to learn machine learning and deep learning. I want learn it quickly.

How I should start learning it?

How hard is it to learn TensorFlow?


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January 30, 2018 at 12:07 PM


If you are new to programming and planning to learn TensorFlow then its going to be little difficult.

If you have prior programming experience then you can learn it with little effort as you have to learn Python also.

If you have previous experience in Python programming then you can easily start learning TensorFlow. But it require more effort.

Usually it will take around 2 months to learn most of the programming technologies of TensorFlow.

But after learning it you will find it more easy to use and develop programs.

Check tutorials at TensorFlow tutorials and examples.


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