I am running Oracle Virtual box on Windows machine. I have installed Ubuntu 14.04 in the viruatl box as of the guest os. I have shared a folder from my windows computer to the Virtual box vim. The mapping for this folder appears inside the VM but I am not able to access the folder as it gives permission denied error:
/media/sf_sharedFolder/: Permission denied
How to solve this?
You can add your user (which you are using to login to virtualbox vm) to the vboxsf group within the guest VM. After adding the user to vboxsf group you will be able to read shared folder.
For example you are logging to the guest VM with the user name myuser then you can run the following command withing the the guest VM.
sudo adduser myuser vboxsf
After this you should logout and login again or restart the VM. And all set you will be able to access the shared folder.