Who is eligible for data science course?

Who is eligible for data science course?


I want to learn the Data Science but don't know the pre-requisite of learning Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning. Who is eligible for data science course? Before beginning with the data science it want to make sure to know the eligibility of learning data science. There are good jobs for Data Science professionals and to get such jobs good knowledge of data science is required. I have checked the topics in learning data science and found that its combination of Mathematics along with many other technologies.

So, how one can learn Data Science? Who is eligible for data science course and what are the pre-requisites for this? Is it good to learn Data Science?

I have these questions in mind before getting started with the Data Science. It will be good if anyone can help me in listing down the pre-requisites of learning the technologies in data science.


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December 12, 2020 at 2:00 PM


Let's discuss the eligibility of data science course. You can learn any many technology you can but even then the job requirement for data science will be less. Data Science required a lot of technical and mathematical understanding.

Who is eligible for data science course?

There is no eligibility cap, and the number you need depends on the skill level of the person trying to study it.

The skills you need to meet the threshold you get to study data science are:

  • Expert in software
  • Expert in structured data
  • Expert in big data
  • Expert in data analytics
  • Expert in machine learning
  • Expert in data warehouse

To get the data science qualification you need to have passed at least one of the following exams:

The Data Science Certification Level 1 (CS1, Level 1 or Level 1 Data Science) is also necessary. You may also complete Certification Level 2 (CS2 or CS2.1).

Existing Level 2 Data Science Qualification

An existing Level 2 Data Science Qualification can be used as a qualification you need to meet the data science threshold. If you've already trained or completed Level 1 or Level 2 data science, you can skip the exam. If you have training or have completed Level 1 data science, you won't need to take the exam.

After passing the CS2 exam and after taking any approved data science courses, you're eligible for a Level 2 qualification, which will allow you to take the CS2 exam for all the courses you've passed (see eligibility requirements).

Why would I want to complete a data science course?

If you already have a Level 1 certificate from Data Science Certificate Institute or a Level 2 certificate with an appropriate qualification, then by continuing to pursue a data science qualification this way, you're gaining additional skills that would help you do your job better. Data science is one of the leading data analysis and information technology (data science) fields, and there are many courses to help you hone the skills you need to succeed in your line of work.

What is the difference between Microsoft Databases and Microsoft Office?

The Microsoft Databases are a way of writing Microsoft Office documents that uses different data formats (e.g. Excel, CSV, TXT and SQLite) and supports the full Office 2007, 2010 and 2013 product range. They have been created to improve the data modelling experience for applications in the data analytics, data science and product management industry. If your industry involves writing Microsoft Office presentations or Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, then you can learn Microsoft Databases in school. If the skills you need in order to write and present Excel spreadsheets are also required in business or industry, you may be better off going straight to Microsoft Office to train or practice your data modelling and information systems skills.

Is it possible to take my Level 1 certification through a program like this?

Yes, as long as you have completed Level 1 data science or another approved training course and that training has not been used for a Level 2 qualification. You can get a Certificate of Completion from Data Science Certifce in 3 weeks, so you should have plenty of time for this.

We recommend working with an approved program to determine if you will need a Level 2 qualification. You should consult a professional who has had many successful programs run by a Level 2 Accreditation agency. Many accreditations work on a sliding scale, so if you need an Accreditation for Level 2 work that will fit you, you can usually qualify from that program instead of you having to take the additional three weeks.

What does Data Science mean?

When people say "data science" they usually mean 'big data' science, but when applied to any other aspect of data, the term is more precise. As a data science field, the word data science is more than just a scientific tool to do things in a better way. It is also used as a way of describing how information moves from one system to another and how data can be used to make decisions. In this respect data science is comparable to the science of maths, which combines scientific ideas in different ways to make new knowledge.

How do I start learning Data Science?

When starting, it is best to focus on a small number of the skills you need for your career. So first you need to learn those skills that may be useful in your previous or current career.

Then, focus on courses in which you can find examples of data science. For example, you should learn how to apply machine learning techniques to visualising or tabulating information about your personal, home, business or community data sets. In this way you can learn how to apply statistical methods to your existing, or new data sets in order to improve their usefulness. Alternatively, a course at your local university may include projects for the Data Science Masterclass where you can work with experienced data scientists in their individual areas of responsibility, as they may be able to offer assistance in your personal and professional development.

Hope this give you more idea.


December 12, 2020 at 2:02 PM


Check the following page:

Here we have given detail introduction to data science and the technologies you should learn to become a data scientist.


December 12, 2020 at 2:03 PM


You can start learning Data Science at:


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