JNI & webservices

Hi, I know a bit of webservises which can communicate between different languages using certain methods. but now I got a doubt while reading the introduction of JNI(Java Native Interface) Are these two

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Maven Dependency tomcat-jni >> 5.0.28
You should include the dependency code given in this page to add Maven Dependency of tomcat >> tomcat-jni version5.0.28 in your project
Maven Dependency tomcat-jni >> 5.0.16
You should include the dependency code given in this page to add Maven Dependency of tomcat >> tomcat-jni version5.0.16 in your project
Maven Dependency zmq-jni >> 0.1.0
You should include the dependency code given in this page to add Maven Dependency of com.jzeromq >> zmq-jni version0.1.0 in your project
Maven Dependency geronimo-webservices >> 1.0
You should include the dependency code given in this page to add Maven Dependency of geronimo >> geronimo-webservices version1.0 in your project
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Maven Dependency geronimo-webservices >> 1.1
You should include the dependency code given in this page to add Maven Dependency of geronimo >> geronimo-webservices version1.1 in your project
Maven Dependency geronimo-webservices >> 1.0-M4
You should include the dependency code given in this page to add Maven Dependency of geronimo >> geronimo-webservices version1.0-M4 in your project
Maven Dependency geronimo-webservices >> 1.1.1
You should include the dependency code given in this page to add Maven Dependency of geronimo >> geronimo-webservices version1.1.1 in your project
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