Dear experts,
I've tried the following codes which I have copied from Java Ranch forum and deleted whatever lines that NetBean IDE has given me error signal.
The resulted page is that it can display all 10 records but I only want 5 records to be shown.
Hope someone can advise me how to.
print("code sample"); <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <%@page language="java" import ="java.sql.*" %> <% String access = (String) session.getAttribute("access"); if (access == null) { response.sendRedirect("login.jsp"); }%> <%-- Display page --%> <% Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; Statement stmt = null; boolean isPageSelected = false; int lb = 0, ub = 0, pg = 0, totalrecords = 0, recordsPerPage = 5; // variables used in paging String selected_page = request.getParameter("page"); if (selected_page == null || selected_page == "" || selected_page.equals("")) {// page not selected // isPageSelected = false; // selected_page = ""; // lb = 0; // ub = recordsPerPage; // } else {// page is selected isPageSelected = true; // pg = Integer.valueOf(selected_page).intValue(); pg = Integer.valueOf(2).intValue(); lb = recordsPerPage * (pg - 1); ub = lb + recordsPerPage; } try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); String url = "jdbc:odbc:ODBC1"; conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url); stmt = conn.createStatement(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } String query = "select * from students"; rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); //rs.last(); // Jump to last row totalrecords = rs.getRow(); // get the row count // rs.beforeFirst(); // reset to allow forward cursor processing int noofpages = 0; if (totalrecords % recordsPerPage == 0) { noofpages = totalrecords / recordsPerPage; } else { noofpages = totalrecords / recordsPerPage + 1; } int cnt = lb; //lb + 1; // move to record while ( { int id = rs.getInt("ID"); %> <tr> <td><%=rs.getString("studentName")%> </td> <td><%=rs.getString("fatherName")%> </td> <td><%=rs.getInt("age")%> </td> <td><%=rs.getString("country")%> </td></tr> cnt++; } %> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" style type ="text/css" href ="style.css"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> </head> <body> <div id="header">Welcome to CARE counselling</div> <div id="center" class="column"> <h5>Members Record</h5> <table border ="1" cellspacing="0" cellspacing="0" align="center" class="bordered"> <tr><td><b>Student Name</b></td> <td><b>Father Name</b></td> <td><b>Age</b></td> <td><b>Country</b></td> </tr> <tr> </tr> <%} rs.close(); stmt.close(); conn.close(); %> </table> <tr> <td>Total Number of Members: <%=noofpages - 1%> <br /> To return to login page : "<a href="login.jsp">Click here</a>"</td> </tr> <br /> <br /> </div> </body> </html> print("code sample");
JSP Pagination
The given code retrieves 5 records per page from database. Here db22admin is our database. Named the given file 'pagination.jsp'.
<%@ page import="java.sql.*" %> <%! public int nullIntconvert(String str){ int num=0; if(str==null){ str="0"; } else if((str.trim()).equals("null")){ str="0"; } else if(str.equals("")) { str="0"; } try{ num=Integer.parseInt(str); } catch(Exception e){ } return num; } %> <% Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); Connectionconn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db2admin","root", "root"); int showRows=5; int totalRecords=5; int totalRows=nullIntconvert(request.getParameter("totalRows")); int totalPages=nullIntconvert(request.getParameter("totalPages")); int iPageNo=nullIntconvert(request.getParameter("iPageNo")); int cPageNo=nullIntconvert(request.getParameter("cPageNo")); int startResult=0; int endResult=0; if(iPageNo==0){ iPageNo=0; } else{ iPageNo=Math.abs((iPageNo-1)*showRows); } String query1="SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM db2admin.reg limit "+iPageNo+","+showRows+""; PreparedStatement ps1=conn.prepareStatement(query1); ResultSet rs1=ps1.executeQuery(); String query2="SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as cnt"; PreparedStatement ps2=conn.prepareStatement(query2); ResultSet rs2=ps2.executeQuery(); if({ totalRows=rs2.getInt("cnt"); } %> <html><h3>Pagination of JSP page</h3> <body><form> <input type="hidden" name="iPageNo" value="<%=iPageNo%>"> <input type="hidden" name="cPageNo" value="<%=cPageNo%>"> <input type="hidden" name="showRows" value="<%=showRows%>"> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="1" > <tr> <th>USERNAME</th><th>FIRSTNAME</th><th>EMAIL</th><th>COUNTRY</th> </tr> <%while({ %> <tr><td><%=rs1.getString("USERNAME")%></td> <td><%=rs1.getString("FIRSTNAME")%></td> <td><%=rs1.getString("EMAIL")%></td> <td><%=rs1.getString("COUNTRY")%></td> </tr> <%}%> <%try{ if(totalRows<(iPageNo+showRows)){ endResult=totalRows; } else{ endResult=(iPageNo+showRows); } startResult=(iPageNo+1); totalPages=((int)(Math.ceil((double)totalRows/showRows))); } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } %> <tr><td colspan="3"> <div> <% int i=0; int cPage=0; if(totalRows!=0){ cPage=((int)(Math.ceil((double)endResult/(totalRecords*showRows)))); int prePageNo=(cPage*totalRecords)-((totalRecords-1)+totalRecords); if((cPage*totalRecords)-(totalRecords)>0){ %> <a href="paging.jsp?iPageNo=<%=prePageNo%>&cPageNo=<%=prePageNo%>">Previous</a> <% } for(i=((cPage*totalRecords)-(totalRecords-1));i<=(cPage*totalRecords);i++){ if(i==((iPageNo/showRows)+1)){%> <a href="paging.jsp?iPageNo=<%=i%>" style="cursor:pointer;color: red"><b><%=i%></b></a> <% } else if(i<=totalPages){ %> <a href="paging.jsp?iPageNo=<%=i%>"><%=i%></a> <% } } if(totalPages>totalRecords && i<totalPages){ %> <a href="paging.jsp?iPageNo=<%=i%>&cPageNo=<%=i%>">Next</a> <% } } %> <b>Rows <%=startResult%> - <%=endResult%> Total Rows <%=totalRows%> </b> </div></td></tr></table></form></body></html>
Thanks for posting the above code.
I have a problem here.
As I'm using MsAccess, I still couldn't figure out the code for the String query.
I have tried the following queries but it's not working :
String query1 = "SELECT * FROM students" + iPageNo + "," + showRows + "";
String query1 = "SELECT * FROM students LIMIT 0,5" + iPageNo + "," + showRows + "";
String query1 = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT top " + showRows+" * FROM (SELECT top 12 id, studentName, fatherName, age, country from students))";
But, none is working out.
Hope you can tell me what's the query to use.
Many thanks.