Html/JavaScript code

Html/JavaScript code

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November 11, 2008 at 5:04 AM

Hi friend,

String name = request.getParameter("name");
String password = request.getParameter("pwd");
if(name.equals("rose") && password.equals("rose")){


If, you have any problem then , please send me detail with code.


November 11, 2008 at 9:55 AM

ok this is code snippet of JSP1 that is used to display teh table.
<display:column sortable="true" sortProperty="id" titleKey="order.ordNum">
<s:a href="%{orderURL}">${} </s:a>

--JSP2-- which has the return button and action leads to the JSP1--

<s:submit value="Return" action = "ListOrders"></s:submit>
On clicking the return button, it should lead to the corresponding page and highlight the corresponding row that was clicked in the JSP1.

Please help me!!!
And thanks for your reply.

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