How to get the output of jsp program using Bean

Hello my Roseindia netizen has suggested one program but when i implement the same i am not getting the ouput.i want the output of the program .i posted the same program below so Kindly go through program below and give the solution for the said below one

public class CounterBean implements {

int coun = 0; public CounterBean() { }
public int getCoun() {
coun++; return this.coun; 


public void setCoun(int coun) { 

this.coun = coun;


The above one i created in Java and compiled

<%@ page language="java" import="beans" %>
<TITLE>Use Bean Counter Example <BODY>

The current count for the counter bean is: <%=counter.getCoun() %>

Next i created JSP program for the above one by using Bean and i opened the Tomcat webserver and clicked the JSP and i got the HTTP Status -500 in that it is asking to copy the Tool from java1.5/lib to Tomcat5.0/common/lib. But i already did that one. Now i want the output of the program ,so please tell me the Solution

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