Expand / Collapse form div when click on button

I have a form integrated from Wufoo with iFrame code. If the user misses a field an error message appears but it takes more space than the DIV Formbox.
How can I make the DIV formbox expand once the form gets higher?


<div class="formbox"><div class="formtitle">Dinners, Adventures, Events<br>50-90% off Date Deals in Miami</div>

<iframe height="170" allowTransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="width:100%;border:none"  src="http://fortwoplease.wufoo.com/embed/z7x3k7/"><a href="http://fortwoplease.wufoo.com/forms/z7x3k7/" title="Squeeze Page" rel="nofollow">Fill out my Wufoo form!</a></iframe>

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