<%@page language="java" import ="java.sql.*" %> <% String val[] = request.getParameterValues("val");String st="";for(int i=0;i"+rs.getString("empid")+""+rs.getString("name")+""+rs.getString("address")+""; } } response.getWriter().println(buffer); %>
But,I want some more help from you.
In my program , i have given to link to different jsp pages. Suppose it contains two links with two different jsp pages.
Both jsp pages contains differents database tables, n it contains same checkboxes.
So, from your above code, i can display selected checkbox on same page. It works...
But when i go to another page link containing same format, it does not display previous page's selected checkboxes.
So, i want such output, which can show previous pages selected checkbox as well as i aslo include next page's selected checkbox in display list on same pages respectively.( i don't know exactly, but can we store it in session and in collection so that we can display all selected checkbox)
Please,please help me... waiting for your reply
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