January 20, 2018 at 11:50 AM
What is Hibernate?
Hibernate is open source ORM framework in Java which takes the responsibility of interacting with the database using standard JDBC API. It hides JDBC complexity from developer and provides many API for performing CRUD operations on database.
Hibernate eases the development of persistence layer for Java based application. It reduces total efforts required in persistence layer coding.
Developers uses Hibernate code when these is requirement of accessing the database from Java program. This framework is enterprise ready and can be used to develop enterprise applications.
What is the use of Hibernate Framework in Java?
Hibernate framework is used in Java alone or with the JPA application. You can directly use Hibernate framework in your Java application and call Hibernate provided API for persisting objects. Hibernate comes with API for performing CRUD operations on the Entity objects.
Hibernate is used in Java program for:
Write code for saving objects
Write code for updating objects into database
Fetching or querying data from database
Deleting any entity or set of data from database.
Java programmers looking for making career in Java programming must learn Hibernate and other web application development technologies.
You can start learning Hibernate at Hibernate tutorials section.
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2.In Jdbc we
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java classes to database tables. Data query