option value="0">-select- option value="1">INDIA option value="2">UK" name="description">

nested selected tag ihave display selected item

nested selected tag ihave display selected item

i have two combo boxes combo1 combo1 in first combo box i taken as follows select name="combo1"> option value="0">-select- option value="1">INDIA option value="2">UK etc in other combo box display all states relate first combo box, ok it can be done by creating array

my problem is when i display data like this $_POST["combo1"] it will show vlaue . suppose i select INDIA it shows "1" , but i want "INDIA", and i use if condition for each value and display by using "echo" but it difficult check all combinations for each country with corresponding states is it any shortcut method in php like in javscript seletedIndex.


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October 20, 2011 at 12:46 PM

Change the option values of select box to India,USA like that.

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