I want to display the quantity of the selected item of a drop down list in a textbox. The data is stored in database.

The code for retrieving data from database into Drop Down List.

     DataSource data = new MysqlDataSource();
     Connection con =  data.getConnection("root","system");
     System.out.println("Connected to MySQL"); 
     PreparedStatement pre = con.prepareStatement("select * from library.booklist");
     ResultSet result = pre.executeQuery();

%> Book List : // my code for displaying quantity is below but its now working.I am new to jsp, so dont know how to populate the textbox//


 String value = request.getParameter("BookList");
 pre = con.prepareStatement("select Quantity from library.booklist where Book = ? ");  
 result = pre.executeQuery();
  <font color="black" size="5"><td> Quantity : </td>

 while (result.next())
int quantity = result.getInt("Quantity");
System.out.println("quantity dikha raha hai");
<input name = "Quantity" type = "text" size = "25" readonly = "readonly" value = "<%=quantity%>"> <%=quantity%> </input>
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