Learn some thing about ajax

please provied some simple ajax code for learning

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June 1, 2012 at 12:34 PM

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML or Ajax for short is new web development technique used for the development of most interactive website. Ajax helps you in making your web application more interactive by retrieving small amount of data from web server and then showing it on your application. You can do all these things without refreshing your page.

Usually in all the web applications, the user enters the data into the form and then clicks on the submit button to submit the request to the server. Server processes the request and returns the view in new page ( by reloading the whole page). This process is inefficient, time consuming, and a little frustrating for you user if the only the small amount of data exchange is required. For example in an user registration form, this can be frustrating thing for the user, as whole page is reloaded only to check the availability of the user name. Ajax will help in making your application more interactive. With the help of Ajax you can tune your application to check the availability of the user name without refreshing the whole page.

For more information, visit the following link:

Ajax Tutorials

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