Business Intelligence Solutions in India
IN THIS GLOBALIZE WORLD everything has just come into a single platform and so the business that has created an imminence competitive environment in every sector. This competitiveness has created a new kind of business arrangements with collaboration in terms of merger and accusation between companies. This is known as c-commerce or Collaborative Commerce that enhances the control of business and supply chain by using efficient technology with a good communication between customers, suppliers and competitors. So it’s a kind of integration of various business ideas, technology and services for better business output and better market share. However, collaboration resulted in more and more information flow and here Business Intelligence plays the most important role as better information management provides a competitive edge.
Various IT companies all over the world are offering business solutions with several value added services to different industries. Business Intelligence services are now widely used in telecommunication, insurance, healthcare, IT, financial and several others for getting a bit competitive advantage. As various tools of BI are used to gather, store and analyze for better and intelligent business decision, its demand in India Market is also growing day by day.
As its new concept in the Indian market, its growth is bit slow compared to other developing countries. According to Gourish Hosangady, the CEO and managing director of SAS, the use of BI is only limited to only traditional database analysis and sometimes confused with market intelligence. Business Intelligence is a broad concept and prerequisite for decision support system including reporting, managing query, statistical analysis, OLAP, data warehousing and data mining.
Current Scenario:
Due to mushrooming outsourcing services, the demand for BI technology in India has been increasing for technological services and technological assistance. Today every big company has its own call centers employing thousands of people for customer assistance and other business support; so BI tools are inevitable for handling different jobs. Some of the major jobs include query handling, query reporting, performance management, business process reengineering, CRM, supply/demand chain management, financing, marketing etc.
In India, the BI market is growing with an average of 12.1 percent and Oracle is the leading BI solution provider and the fastest growing BI plat form in India. Oracle India with Oracle’s global software development team has been developing BI products and has more than 6000 customers mainly from telecommunication, banking, insurance, manufacturing both in government and private sector.