Struts 2 Tutorials - Struts version
Struts 2 Tutorials covered in this section is developed using the latest version of Struts 2 framework. Latest version of Struts 2 at the time of writing this tutorial is Struts Here we have discussed the improvements and bug fixes in the Struts 2 framework.
The latest version of Struts 2 is version, which released in June 2013. There are bug fixes and improvements in this version of Struts 2 release. It is at present the most stable version of Struts 2.3 series. Many security issues and bugs that were present in the earlier version of Struts have been resolved.
Apache Struts is open-source framework that is used to build, deploy and maintain web applications both for web and intranet. Struts use a Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture where Model represents database code, View represents design code and Controller represents navigational code. MVC design pattern of the Struts 2 framework gives great advantage and enables the developers to quickly build applications.
Tutorials of Struts 2 version
Basics of Struts 2
Learn the basics of Struts 2 framework and familiarize yourself with features and capabilities of latest Struts framework. Struts 2 is based on MVC (Model-View-Controller) Framework. This latest version has made the web development easier for the developers.
- Features and enhancements in Struts
- Lifecycle/Architecture of Struts 2 framework
- How Struts 2 framework works
- Downloading and installing Struts 2
- Maven dependency of Struts
- Creating Hello World application in Struts 2 version
- Running Hello World application on Tomcat 7 server using Eclipse IDE
- Hello World application annotation version
- Struts 2 in Agile Development Environment
Core components of Struts 2 version 2.3.15
Learn about the core components of Struts 2 version
Controller is implemented with a Dispatch Filter and Interceptors. Model is implemented with Actions. View is implemented with a combination of result types and results.
Value Stack and OGNL provide linking between the other components.
The Model-View-Controller framework in Struts 2 has five core components:
Struts 2 Configurations
Learn about the different configuration options of the Struts 2 based project.
- Multiple Struts configuration files - Learn how to include multiple Struts Configuration files in a project.
- Namespace configuration - Learn what is Namespace in Struts 2 with example code
- Struts 2 Development mode - Learn about the development mode available in Struts 2 framework. How it is important for making developer work easy.
- Removing default Struts 2 action suffix - How to remove the default action suffix (.action)? Learn the advantages of custom suffix in your application.
Creating Form based application in Struts 2
- Understanding the Struts 2 action
- Creating simple user login form
- Validating user login form with the help of Struts 2 ActionError & ActionMessage
- Understanding about ModelDriven interface
- Creating login form with the help of ModelDriven interface
Struts 2 Interceptors:
Interceptors can be configured according to every action. They can execute a code before and after an Action is called. Interceptors help in implementing double-submit guards, type conversion, object population, validation, file upload, page preparation, etc. Interceptors are defined in a stack, which in turn decide the execution order of the Interceptor.
- What is Interceptors and how does it works?
- Simple Interceptor example
- List of Interceptors
- Creating own interceptor
Struts 2 Tags
Struts 2 Tags are of two types: