SQL Auto increment Primary Key

SQL Auto increment Primary Key is used to allow a unique number to be generated when a new record is inserted into a table.

SQL Auto increment Primary Key

SQL Auto increment Primary Key


SQL Auto increment Primary Key is used to allow a unique number to be generated when a new record is inserted into a table.

Understand with Example

The Tutorial illustrate an elaborative example from 'SQL Auto increment Primary Key'. To understand this example we use a query 'use mysqltutorialabc' that show the database is selected.





Create table employee_roseindia:

The create table employee_roseindia is used to create a table 'employee_roseindia' with required fieldname and data type. The following SQL statement is used to define the "Emp_id" to be an auto-increment primary key field in the table "employee_roseindia".

 Show Tables in datebase

Once the table is created ,the show tables shows you the list of tables in database.

Insert into Table :

The insert into adds the records or rows into the table'employee_roseindia'. If we don't insert any values into the primary key column, the auto_increment increment the value by 1 for each new records. 

insert into employee_roseindia values('1','Ranjan','Saurabh','5000');

insert into employee_roseindia values('2','Kumar','Satish','8000');

insert into employee_roseindia values('3','Kumar','Rajesh','10000');

insert into employee_roseindia values(' ','Saxena','Amit','15000');

To View the detail of Table employee_RoseIndia:

select * from employee_roseindia;

Output is displayed as below :