Features of Spring Framework 5

Here we are discussing the features of the Spring Framework 5, which required JDK 8+ for development and deployment of application.

Features of Spring Framework 5

Spring framework is well know one stop framework for building enterprise applications, Currently Spring 5 framework is under development and at the time of writing of this tutorial 5.0.0 M3 is available.

In this tutorial we are discussing the features of new Spring Framework 5, which is be released one new build available. This is framework is relatively new and under development which supports JDK 8+ and provides full support for JDK 9.

Spring 5 Framework provides the comprehensive support for JDK9 and it requires JDK 8+ to work. Spring 5 Framework provides the strong support for HTTP/2 and Spring-style reactive architectures.

Spring Framework 5 at a Glance

Here are the major changes and features of Spring 5 Framework:

  • This is the modern Spring framework for 2017+
  • Its major baseline upgrades are JDK 8+, Servlet 3.0+, JMS 2.0+, JPA 2.1+ and JUnit 5
  • It provides support for JDK 9 and Jigsaw modules
  • It provides comprehensive JDK 9 support

Spring 5 Features

Spring Framework 5 new Features

Spring Framework 5 introduced new features and improvements to make it next generation high performance application development framework. Here are the new features introduced in Spring 5 Framework:

  • Spring Framework 5 requires 8+ JDK version. It provides full JDK 9 features support. The base version for this framework is JDK 8 and JDK 8, and Java EE7.
  • Minimum Servlet version for this framework is Servlet 3.0
  • It requires JPA 1.1+ and Bean Validation API 1.1+
  • This framework support the Reactive Programming Model

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